We got a few more Magical Witches References in Digimon Dreamers Chapter 24, so let's take a look at this month's chapter!
Check out chapter 23 and the V Tamer references in Dreamers here: • Digimon V Tamer References in Digimon...
Check out my video on the Magical Witches here: • Magical Witches, Bandai's Rare, Expen...
Dreamers True Big Bad 0:00
Magical Witches? 02:02
Dreamers Finishing? 06:27
#Digimon #Digimon Dreamers
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May Fisher
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Intro Animation by realiamriku: twitter.com/realiamriku/status/1623002949281792000
MaMayo (Me in Mameo cosplay) art by Chisai236: twitter.com/Chisai236
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Check out the Website for information about the show: www.lostintranslationmon.com
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Thank you to our current supporters on Patreon; Steven Reeves (WildWing64 on Archive of Our Own), Kaida Washi, Chisai (Who you can follow on tumblr at chisai236), Lizmet (Elecmon on tumblr), Neoboo, Nicholas, Sam, Emory (From 'Gon x Will x Hunting: A Hunter x Hunter Rewatch Podcast'), Magnus, Lucas, Jaceymon05, Patrick, Jason, Shelby, DigitalHazard (Who is on Twitch at TheDigitalHazard, Ellimist, Toropiamon, VeemonTamer, Kasai, BigBadBeetleBorg, and BentArcher!
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