After a speedy 3 months, once more a map has drawn to close. Presenting...
PANDORA, a complete Clearsight AU MAP
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I am so very proud of every participant who took part in this map, from those who animated the parts, to those who helped with backgrounds, you all did absolutely stunning and I’m very glad to have worked with you :)
Thumbnail Winner: XErizeaX
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The Au entales a world in which Darkstalker lived through Clearsight, if he couldn’t be with her, he could execute his actions through his closest friend. Darkstalker had always dreamed of himself and Clearsight ruling the nightwing tribe, or even the entire continent, maybe beyond. If there was only one way he could obtain his wishes, he would get rid of everything and everyone in his path, to get that power he so admired.
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Thankyou to my amazing team to make the map possible!
Links to their socials:…
1✧ @ElyDart
2✧ @flamedash3975 + @Muddymoved
3✧ @Krispykreme15
4✧ @LucyLemonnn
5✧ @Dragoooooon
6✧ @TiredAndLazy35
7✧ @KalikoStudios + @Muddymoved
8✧ @AaronInABox
9✧ @Duckbeanz-has-moved
10✧ @lunarexis
11✧ @turtleart6502
12✧ @cristormu3853
13✧ @ElytrasArtOwO
14✧ @izirp
15✧ @izirp
16✧ @Zkittish8259
17✧ @chaitheclosetmoth3437
18✧ @the_dogfish + @Oakhaze
19✧ @echotheowl3050
20✧ @BlacktideInkArts + @wolfhuntressart
21✧ @sunbeests
22✧ @Isitthough69420 @Muddymoved
23✧ @Muddymoved
24✧ @princesss_liliesss
25✧ @Rockyy_Carol_Art
26✧ @saturnhalo
27✧ @saturnhalo@aquabyx
28✧ @bluesstudios4527
29✧ @howlingwolves04
30✧ @azelswirldesertrose214
31✧ @brightthesandwing + @Muddymoved
32✧ @BrokenFire
33✧ @IslandStudios1 + @TiredAndLazy35 + @AquaTurtle1234
34✧ @WaterSplash-41
35✧ @Drambun
36✧ @thewingsguard1417 + @jupt3rdraws + @Muddymoved
37✧ @soffaloaf
38✧ @sketchhope
39✧ @feliscatusartem
40✧ @ThaneOfLichen (Thane of Lichen)
41✧ @Messypaintdog
42✧ @Muddymoved
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Post credit animators
Storyboard - @Muddymoved
1✧ @Rockyy_Carol_Art
2✧ @bluesstudios4527
3✧ Minerva + @Muddymoved
4✧ @Dragoooooon
5✧ @Muddymoved
6✧ @BlacktideInkArts + @Muddymoved
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Original map call: • COMPLETE // link in description
Song: • 2WEI & Edda Hayes - Pandora
Outro: • Really Slow Motion - Collapsing Unive...