Ep.2 of SITUATIONAL AWARENESS is about how to spot threats in advance by picking up on threat threat indicators. The great danger is, that criminals and terrorists initiate attacks, so law enforcement, soldiers, or civilians have to react - meaning, they have the element of surprise and get to draw the 'first blood' so to speak. Because our chances of winning a fight and avoiding becoming a victim is greatly diminished if we are not already ready for an attack, we must put great effort, preparation, and thought into spotting attacks before they occur. The good news is that criminals and terrorists give off little clues about their next moves and intentions that someone who is paying attention can pick up on. This video details a handful of these different threat indicators so that those watching will be able to pick up on warning signs. Clenched fists, bladed stances, fixed stares, cold sweats, etc. are all examples of some of the threat indicators discussed in this video.
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