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Movement for Immunization Agenda 2030 (#IA2030): Leaders share their journey from ideas to impact

Movement for Immunization Agenda 2030 (#IA2030): Leaders share their journey from ideas to impact at Teach to Reach 8 on 16 June 2023

Let’s go back in time to the 7th of March 2022.

And many of you in the room, attending In Teach To Reach 8 today, in our Zoom studio, know that was the date when you joined the Movement for Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030).

Now, this was a four-month learning cycle in which you worked intensively together to do a number of things, starting by sharing ideas and practices and figuring out what the ideas and practices of others meant to you.

Moving on to situation analysis, diagnosing the root cause of an immunization challenge that you face where you work, in your facility, in your district, in your region, in your country, if you work at the national level.

Moving on to then mapping out corrective actions.

This was in May 2022.

Over a thousand members of the Movement for IA 2030 developed action plans.

These action plans were finalized on the 17th of June, 2022 at Teach to Reach 6.

Here we are now, over a year later.

And we’re going to hear in this next segment, what have leaders of the Movement achieved? How has it turned out? Has it actually made a difference? These are the kinds of questions that we want to explore now.

Before we do, we’re pleased to share the first three IA 2030 Movement implementation case studies. You’re going to see three faces of leaders that you may or may not know, starting with Wasnam Faye from Senegal, Last night, a midwife in Senegal was sent off, shipped off, to run a health post in rural Senegal with little experience of immunization and country backup.

And she says it was a colleague, a fellow scholar, a fellow leader of the Movement for IA2030, who showed her how to keep an immunization registry, who showed her the basics of running her facility.

With the support of that scholar and other leaders, she’s been able to take the Penta 3 coverage from 8% when she arrived to more than 80%.

Think about it.

And she says that many of the ideas that she used came from the Movement and from Teach to Reach.

For example, she introduced vaccine angels as community liaison points, so peer educators, caregivers, who function as peer educators.

And that idea she first heard at Teach to Reach.

The second case study of IA2030 implementation is that of Frank Monga, District Medical Officer in Lumumbashi.

Now he’s been participating in the TGLF network. He introduced a token scheme to catch up on zero-dose children in the DRC. He was selected in July 2019 to lead the national network in the country and this network has grown to the point where the Ministry of Health, the national planners attend the meetings led by Frank and his peers because it is an incredibly useful way to get information from all over the country.

Think about it.

These are achievements of leaders of the Movement for Immunization Agenda 2030.

Our Movement is global.

And so the third case study is Maréa Fernanda Monzón, who runs a primary health care center in Corrientes, Argentina.

And she’s focused on enhancing coverage in a nearby slum area where the population is not motivated to seek immunization services.

These three case studies are available now.

We share the links with all Teach for Each participants.

Go, you may be inspired, you may find useful ideas and practices that you can use in your implementation.

We’re now going to turn to some of the implementers, some of the leaders of IA 2030 who have been working for more than a year now on their implementing their action plans.

We’ve recently asked them to share an acceleration report, what we call Acceleration to Impact, in which we asked them to update us on how their implementation is going.

And for those of you who are new to the Movement, who have not joined yet this Movement for immunization agenda 2030, the world’s strategy adopted unanimously at the World Health Assembly in 2020.

Well, you’re going to receive the invitation as a Teach to Reach participant to join this Movement and also develop your own IA 2030 action plan, begin thinking through that process from learning to action to results ultimately to impact.