54いいね 850回再生

Food Insecurity on Guam | The Department of Maolek

In this episode, the DOM discusses food insecurity on Guam--how we got here and how our people can move toward an accessible, healthy, food-sovereign future.

The Department of Maolek is a hypothetical, local government agency whose proposals are rooted in inafa'maolek, reciprocity, and restoring right relationships--with our ourselves, with each other, with the land and water, and with the future generations that will inherit our home.

Department of Maolek Members: Kat, Laz, Muturwan, Nolan, Tati
Directors: Siobhon McManus, Cara Flores
Producers: Cara Flores, Siobhon McManus, Aaron Santos
Research Facilitator: Jimmy T. Camacho
Director of Photography: Tony Azios
Camera Operator: Aaron Santos
Sound Mixers / Recordists: Jonathan Glaser, Frescania Taitano Taitague
Editor: Frescania Taitano Taitague
Sound Editor: Jonathan Glaser
Special Thanks: Jimmy Camacho

Nihi Indigenous Media is a Chamoru production house based in Guåhan (Guam)
Indigenous led, building power, centering joy, protecting the heritage of future generations.

Support our work directly! www.nihiguam.org/donate

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This series is made possible through funding administered by the US Department of Education CARES Act utilizing Education Stabilization Funds (ESF) [Project Award S425H210004].

Duk Duk Goose Inc. was awarded funding as part of the Governor's Education Assistance and Youth Empowerment Grant Program.

#chamorro #chamoru #guam #guahan #marianas #micronesia #indigenous #foodinsecurity #foodsovereignty