Welcome to February's dog book club! This month we read "Lucky Dog Lessons: How to Train Your Dog in 7 Days" by Brandon McMillan. Overall, I LOVED this book, and I totally recommend it whether you're just starting out with a puppy, or you're an experienced dog trainer. His personal examples are GOLD!
Jackie & Kai
Kai's Instagram: www.instagram.com/prettyflyforakaiguy_
March's Book Club Book: www.amazon.com/Travels-Casey-Benoit-Denizet-Lewis/…
Dog Book Club Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/549436142280976/?source_id…
2020 Dog Book Club Book List:
January - "Off the Leash: A Year in the Dog Park" by Matthew Gilbert
February - "Lucky Dog Lessons" by Brandon McMillan
March - "Travels with Casey: My Journey Through Our Dog-Crazy Country" by Benoit Denizet-Lewis
April - "Energy Healing for Animals" by Joan Ranquet
May - "Tomorrow" by Damien Dibben
June - "The Lost History of the Canine Race" by Mary Elizabeth Thurston
July - "What the Dog Knows" by Cat Warren
August - "Say Goodbye for Now" by Catherine Ryan Hyde
September - "Oogy: The Dog Only a Family Could Love" by Larry Levin
*We're taking a break during Dogtober
November - "Our Dog, Ourselves" by Alexandra Horowitz
December - "The Dogs of Christmas" by W. Bruce Cameron
Insta - @jackietodd_
Facebook - www.facebook.com/inruffcompany
Email - inruffcompany@gmail.com
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