📺 Live Tag: #ShiorinOnAir
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Thumbnail: twitter.com/Ichira_/status/1694174076187881603?s=2…
Chat rules:
▶Please be respectful towards everyone. Mods reserve the right to use their judgement when it comes to bans.
▶Don’t mention other streamers unless on topic, and please avoid mentioning me in other streams unless on topic.
▶Please understand I speak mainly English, Japanese or any other language is OK, but I may not read as fast nor as well, or may rely on translation if needed.
▶No backseating unless I ask for help first please. Let me try on my own first.
▶No self-promotion please.
▶Please respect my privacy.
▶Please no excessive emotes or TYPING IN CAPS.
Grab your hololive English Advent merch here
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hololive English Advent first original song: Rebellion
• 【MV】Rebellion【hololive English -Adven...
Stream Rebellion here: cover.lnk.to/Rebellion
This game is being streamed and monetized after confirmation with Kinetic Games.
▶Request from hololive Production to underage viewers:
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