18いいね 780回再生

平藤 雅之「スマート農業とは何か? ―過去、現在、未来―」 第4回農学部オンライン公開セミナー「スマート農業:ICT 技術を活用した新しい農業の形」

The 4th Online Seminar by Faculty of Agriculture

What is "smart agriculture" that we see so often in recent years? In this lecture, the speaker will explain the concept of smart agriculture in concrete terms, using various studies he has conducted as examples. He will also talk about the background story and future vision of smart agriculture.

NOTE: - This lecture was conducted only in Japanese.

Speaker: Masayuki Hirafuji (the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences / Project Professor)

※Speakers' affiliation and position are as of the time of presentation.