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Le Donk & Scor-zay-zee: Official Trailer (2009)

Rock roadie, Le Donk, has lived, loved and learned. Along the way he's gained a sidekick, Scor-Zay-Zee, who he wants to make a star.

Rock roadie and failed musician, Le Donk (Considine) is a f@&k up. He’s lost his girlfriend (Olivia Colman) and his life has turned to s*@t. So Donk sets out to make rap prodigy Scor-zay-zee (playing himself) a star and turn his life around (with a little help from the Arctic Monkeys). Meadows' hilarious rockumentary follows the duo on a journey of a lifetime; an unpredictable, irrepressible ode to spontaneous filmmaking and to a burgeoning UK rap talent.

Written and Directed by Shane Meadows. Starring Paddy Considine, Dean Palinczuk and Olivia Coleman.

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