151いいね 11640回再生

丹波篠山 時を忘れるお宿と工藝品巡り|記憶に残る味 無水カレーも堪能🍛|Exploring Guesthouses and Folk Art in Tamba-Sasayama Town|Japan

Hello. This trip is to Tanba Sasayama.

It is a place where nature, history, and culture are in harmony and you will want to visit again and again. 🗻.

I would be happy if you could help me in any way.
Spot introduction

It was 💬 sigh so nice place.
I am very happy to be able to help you. 
 HP oito-henko.com/
 Instagram www.instagram.com/oito_tanba/
 HP hotel.u-ne.net/
 Online store uneonline.stores.jp/
 Instagram www.instagram.com/une_tanba/
 HP t-aos.com/

💬 Also, I want to eat.
Taos Bakery
 Instagram www.instagram.com/takabull_curry/

I would like to try it again 💬It gives me the feeling of having traveled to different countries.
 Instagram www.instagram.com/hakutoya_sasayama/

💬A must-see for black bean lovers!
Odagaki Shoten
 HP www.odagaki.co.jp/
 Instagram www.instagram.com/odagakishoten/

##tambasasayama #tamba #vlog #tamba black beans #old house #machiya #mingei #crafts #hostel for rent #cafe #café #tea #grocery #hyogo #lifeinjapan #travel #antique #vintage #interior #curry #tambasasayama

Table of Contents
0:00 Intro
0:49 oito (coffee shop and inn)
3:48 une (boutique store and inn)
5:11 Taos (Guest House)
6:43 Takable Curry (Waterless Chicken Curry)
7:37 HAKUTOYA (tableware and tools for daily life)
8:32 Odagaki Shoten (Tanba black bean store and cafe)

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