12 lesson Kipper Course: courses.jenniferwalkerzen.com/courses/ai-placehold…
6 week Tarot Certification Program : courses.jenniferwalkerzen.com/courses/%20Master%20…
Book a Reading NOW OPEN -- www.jenniferwalkerzen.com/product-page/live-readin…
Check out my new channel JWZ MYSTERIES: • The Most Shocking Real Paranormal eve...
My new deck The eye of Zen is now available on amazon: Order New Deck The eye of Zen --www.amazon.com/gp/product/0578840251?pf_rd_r=3KNDV…
Welcome to one of my many free tarot card reading videos here on YouTube.
My name is Jennifer Walker Zen and I have dedicated my time to bringing psychic predictions and divine messages from the Universe to you. In today's tarot card reading, we'll be looking into your love life during the month of July . Much can change and happen in a month, that's why each reading contains a tons of clarification of tarot and oracle cards to provide you with as much information about your love life as possible.
I am a generational intuitive, empath, and psychic ; I have studied different techniques of reading tarot, lenormand cards, and oracles cards. I have over 24 years of experience with working with thousands of clients with relationship coaching through tarot readings to help people build great relationships so they can grow happy with the people they love. My other areas of study have included astrology, numerology, Reiki, yoga, meditation, and near death experiences, NLP. Thank you, for taking the time to check out my extensive tarot reading videos on youtube. Love and light to you.
Contact Information
Official Website: www.jenniferwalkerzen.com/
Book an Reading -- www.jenniferwalkerzen.com/live-readings
Order New Deck The eye of Zen -- www.amazon.com/gp/product/0578840251?pf_rd_r=3KNDV…
Become Channel Member -- tinyurl.com/y3wf2mz8
Instagram -- www.instagram.com/jenniferwalkerzen/
Facebook -- www.facebook.com/Jenniferwalkerzentarot/
TikTok-- vm.tiktok.com/ZM8Q821AW/
MERCH LINK -- jennifer-walker-zen.myteespri/...
Donations -- tinyurl.com/y5g36non
Here are some Members bonus content videos to check out:
Why do they provoke my desires?? • Why do they provoke my desires??
Why can't we be together?? • Why can't we be together??
Who is your next love interest?? • Who is your next love interest??
Check out some of my playlist sections for your sign:
Bi Weekly love Tarot Readings (Singles & Couples) youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx...
Weekly Love Tarot Readings ( Day to Day & overall) youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx...
Monthly Love, financial , Health youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx...
Oracle & Tarot Decks Used:
The Good Tarot: amzn.to/2zjco9Q
The Rider Tarot Deck: amzn.to/2SOSz0T
Mini Rider Tarot deck: amzn.to/3iKZtiq
The Light Seer’s Deck: amzn.to/2Whw5HO
The Hermetic Tarot: amzn.to/3bdU6nv
Cosmic Tarot : amzn.to/3cctG6Z
Chinese Fortune Reading: amzn.to/35NomVo
Celtic Lenormand: amzn.to/2LewEvW
Tarot Lenormand : amzn.to/2WhxhuM
Angel Answers Oracle Cards: amzn.to/3cjNIwn
The Romance Angels Oracle Cards: amzn.to/35L1tBR
Whispers of Love: amzn.to/3cx80BZ
Pixie’s Astounding Lenormand: amzn.to/2AF3a8A
Pre-Raphaelite Tarot: amzn.to/3gQkgRl
Mystic Monday: amzn.to/3auYlfU
Gilded Reverie: amzn.to/2PVjPcg
Golden Tarot: amzn.to/324m8k3
Gilded Reverie Lenormand: amzn.to/2Zd71D6
Wisdom Oracle: amzn.to/2G6cHsc
True Love Reading cards: amzn.to/36b4zRX
Equipment Used:
Microphone: amzn.to/3ccTjoa
Camera : amzn.to/2Wi8oPP
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
It is a legal requirement that we include a disclaimer on this site.
In accordance with the law in several countries we must point out that all tarot readings given here from Jennifer Walker Zen are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions.