沖縄2023弥生その3最終話 ブセナテラス内ランブルフィッシュでディナー、翌日ブルーシール牧港本店や牧志公設市場を散策した後JEFサンライズ那覇店で昼食、最後に何故かヘリオス那覇エアポートブルワリーでヤケ酒を、帰りはピカチュウジェット
【Okinawa 2023 March Part 3 Final Episode】Dinner at Rumble Fish on Busena Terrace, the next day we strolled around ``Blue Seal Makiminato Main Store'' and ``Makishi Public Market'', then had lunch at ``JEF Sunrise Naha Store'', and finally, for some reason, ``Helios Naha Airport Brewery''. After drinking alcohol, I took Pikachu Jet on the way home.