Leica Society proudly presents “Constantine Manos - 5 Photographs and the Stories Behind Them.” In this series, we sit down with experts in Leica Camera buying, collecting, shooting, editing, and more! We ask them to share their experience and insights. Watch and learn about Constantine Manos's introduction to photography, his defining style, and the stories behind some of his best-known images.
Constantine Manos was born in Columbia, South Carolina, U.S.A., of Greek immigrant parents. His photographic career began in the school camera club at the age of thirteen, and within several years he was a working professional. He graduated from the University of South Carolina with a B.A. in English Literature. At the age of nineteen, he was hired as the official photographer of the Boston Symphony Orchestra at its summer festival at Tanglewood.
In 1963, Manos joined Magnum Photos. Manos’s photographs are in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the Art Institute of Chicago; the Bibliothéque Nationale, Paris; George Eastman House, Rochester, NY; the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; and the Benaki Museum, Athens. In 2003 Manos was awarded the Leica Medal of Excellence for his pictures from American Color.
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Leica Society International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to all aspects of Leica Camera, including photography, research, history, documentation, and collecting.
Special Thanks to Constantine Manos: