To my fellow video editors out there... we are all familiar with the process of "re-linking media". You are in the middle of a project- suddenly your laptop starts to crap out, and you have to get those files safe onto an external hard drive. Now, when you restart your project, your computer can't find where you moved all the pieces, and you have to lead it in the right direction in attempt to "put it all back together".
Suppose something happened in your life where you were unfairly ripped from your state-of-being, your memories, scattered to a state of bare existence, and the only way to return to your prior life was to "re-link lost media"? That is exactly what your good buddy DJClyve will have to do to return to his eating-show, Limbo Grub. A long time he has toiled away, ferreting each and every minute-memory, over the span of a year for us, a hundred or more lifetimes for him. Will he be able to return to full form and continue his weekly show format? Will all those dangling threads be addressed? And will there be a FOOD REVIEW!?? All your quandaries will be answered next week... in the long awaited... LIMBO GRUB: ENTROPY. Be there!