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New original song “My Trust Is In You (信じる)” *piano demo*

This is the first song I wrote in Japan! ☺️ Hope it blesses you. English & Japanese lyrics and chords below! :)
這是我在日本寫的第一首歌! ☺️希望祝福到您。英文和日文歌詞和弦在地下! :)

Filmed by W君燃
Edited by Melody Hwang

觀望我的新網站!Visit my new website: melodyhwangmusic.com/

On my website, you'll find more information about me and what I'm doing and ways to support. Thank you!

【My Trust Is In You】
Original song by Melody Hwang
Japanese Translation by Momo Sasaoka

[Verse 1]
E B/D# E/G# A
My God calls me to leave my boat and walk on water
E B/D# E/G# A
My God fashions me like the clay and He is the Potter

水の上を 歩くようにと Mizunokami o aruku yō ni to
わたしを呼ぶ声が聞こえる Watashi o yobukoegakikoeru

C#m B/D# Esus E
And oh, I trust You
C#m B/D# D
For I know

確信を持って Kakushin o motte
いま信じる Ima shinjiru

My God is Faithful
My God is True
C#m B A
You go before me, You know what to~ do
And in the quiet
I wait on You
C#m B A
Through every valley, my trust is in~ You

誠実で真実 Seijitsude shinjitsu
前を行き 導く方 Mae o iki michibiku kata
谷を歩む 時も Tani o ayumu toki mo
信頼をあなたに置く Shinrai o anata ni oku

E/G# A E/G# A
My trust in You, my trust in You

信じる Shinjiru
信じる Shinjiru

[Verse 2]
E B/D# E/G# A
My God shepherds my heart with grace when I am feeble
E B/D# E/G# A
My God arms with strength to soar on wings like eagles

この心をなぐさめる神 Kono kokoro o nagusameru kami
空飛べるように翼さずける Sora toberu yō ni tsubasa sazukeru

F#m E/G# A
It’s not what I can do but what You’ve done
F#m E/G# A
Death is defeated, You’ve already won
F#m E/G# A
So where You go, I go, I will not fear
F#m E/G# Bsus
‘Cause even when I can’t see, I know You’re holding me

もう一度思い出そう Mōichido omoidasou
死を負かし 勝利した主 Shi o makashi shōri shita shu
恐れないでついてゆく Osorenaide tsuite yuku
見えなくたって感じるから Mienakutatte kanjirukara


♥ Melody Hwang 黃友聞
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