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4K Tokyo Met. EXPWY Night Drive Rainbow Bridge - C1(Inner LP) - Haneda Airport 2021/5 首都高夜景ドライブ

4K 1x speed night drive on Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway. (Shuto EXPWY)
The drive starts at Rainbow Bridge, makes a round trip on Inner Circular Route (Inner Loop) then heads to Haneda Airport through Bayshore Route. The road was wet as this drive was after the rain.
Google Maps route: goo.gl/maps/6C4cTUcWssdJEPvp7?entry=yt

1:17 Rainbow Bridge
4:37 Inner Circular Route
18:10 Rainbow Bridge
21:27 Bayshore Route

3x speed version of this video with music
   • 4K Night Drive on Tokyo Met. EXPWY | ...  

Date: 2021/5
Camera: a7Siii
Car: CX-5
