544いいね 15267回再生

SoRi (소리) - 'Touch' MV Making EP8 엔딩은 욕조에서

Here comes the last part of Making of "Touch" music video.


Touch is available everywhere!

Spotify : spoti.fi/2NTYFIZ
iTunes : apple.co/2NpqRpR
Melon : bit.ly/2oB6Fn5
Olleh : bit.ly/2NKGaXd
Mnet : bit.ly/2PXMkVo
Genie : bit.ly/2CePam9
Naver music : bit.ly/2Cgh8hu
Bugs : bit.ly/2Mw4CON
Monkey 3 : bit.ly/


Sori's social media:
[Instagram] www.instagram.com/lovesori_/
[Twitter] twitter.com/lovesori_
[SoRi Official IG]www.instagram.com/kimsori_official/

You can ALSO follow SoRi at the following :

MOLE Entertainment Official :
[Facebook] www.facebook.com/mole.lnc/
[Twitter] twitter.com/molekorea_Inc
[Instagram] www.instagram.com/mole_inc/