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Happy Mail Haul #happymail #stickerhaul

In today’s video I will be showing some goodies I got from some small shops and I will be announcing the winners to my giveaway! 👏🏼

The Shops ⤵️

✨Jukebahx www.etsy.com/shop/SHOPJUKEBAHX?ref=yr_purchases
✨Sugar Pop Fizz sugarpopfizz.com/
✨Low Brow Misfits lowbrowmisfits.com/
✨Let’s Plan It (ALI15) letsplanit.ca/?aff=34
✨Donna Powered By Creativity donnapoweredbycreativity.com/

My Shop! 🤍

Happy Mail ⤵️
Ali (Planning With Boys)
P.O. Box 8462
Moreno Valley, Ca. 92552

Other ⤵️
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