1いいね 35回再生


Let's review this case togehter. ⁠

I wish I could say I get this message ONCE IN A BLUE MOON.⁠

But if that was the case, the moon is always blue...⁠

This prospect messages me this and am about to close the opening for the month, but allow them to join the gut restoration program. ⁠

So what were the symptoms: Stomach pain which included bloating, abdominal distention (side bloating), side pain, and flare-ups. ⁠

The thought of vacations and work provoked fear. ⁠

Each case is unique and I take my time to review the details to consider the best route to prevent another flare-up. ⁠

My goal is to reduce pain to a 0-3 when 10 is the worst pain. ⁠

Most people come at 10. ⁠

What made me mad about this case?⁠

They never received a referral to a dietitian and were told "Just take the antibiotic after their first MINOR flare"⁠

The second flare-up was EVERYTHING but minor. ⁠

What was the plan:⁠
1) Fiber intake awareness - how much fiber are you eating and how much can you tolerate?⁠
2) Review of the functional stool test⁠
3) Start the RIGHT prebiotic⁠
4) Followed by the right probiotics (yes, multiple)⁠
5) Followed the right diet for their condition with my guidance and further support with meal plans⁠
6) Support healing before going rough on fiber⁠
7) Listening to the body and moving as allowed (yes, the body is ALWAYS in control)⁠

They say a few months later, "Naria, I'm feeling well. I'm ready to venture off and see how I do on my own"⁠

I feel like a mom letting her child off to college. Extremely proud and yes, a little nervous but knowing I have fully equipped them with the knowledge they need. ⁠