735いいね 104581回再生


(00:00:00) China’s military expenditure has doubled several times in 10 years... Will this lead to greater corruption? Are all the first-level generals under the General Secretary "corrupt officials worth tens of billions"?
(00:23:26) "If you can't hold the gun tightly, you can't sit firmly on the dragon's throne"! Jiang Zemin set up a trap twice and Hu Jintao almost died in the "Yellow Sea Shock"! ?
(00:32:38) "Flood Zhongnanhai, beat the General Secretary"! Anti-general secretary remarks circulated in key areas of Gyeonggi Province: "The commander of the Central Theater Command changes every five years in three years!"
(00:54:39) There is pressure from Trump from outside, red generation from inside, and the People’s Liberation Army is closing in on the palace! The general secretary refuses to compromise and the pressure on China becomes even heavier...