酸菜豆腐煲 Tofu and Pickled Mustard Greens Pot
材料 Ingredients
免治豬肉 100克 / 100g pork mince
酸菜 50克 / 50g pickled mustard greens
冬菇 5粒 / 5 dried shiitake mushrooms
豆腐 1盒 / 1 block tofu
薑末 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon minced ginger
糖 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon sugar
米酒 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon rice wine
蠔油 2湯匙 / 2 tablespoons oyster sauce
胡椒粉 適量 / ground white pepper, to taste
芫茜 適量 / chopped coriander, to taste
水 約100亳升 / around 100ml water
做法 Method
1. 冬菇用約100ml水浸軟,去蒂,切幼條。
Use around 100ml water to soak the mushrooms until soft. Remove the stems and cut into strips.
2. 酸菜洗淨,浸20分鐘,瀝乾後切件備用。
Rinse the pickled mustard greens and soak for 20 minutes. Drain and cut into pieces for later use.
3. 豆腐切粒。
Dice the tofu.
4. 鍋中加油,開中火燒熱,待有少許白煙升起,下免治豬肉炒至轉色,加冬菇絲炒出香氣。
Add oil to a pot, heat it over medium heat until smoke emerges. Add and sauté the pork mince until the colour changed. Add the shredded mushrooms and stir-fry until aromatic.
5. 加米酒、蠔油和糖拌勻。
Add rice wine, oyster sauce and sugar, and mix well.
6. 加入薑末、豆腐及酸菜,加上鍋蓋,用中火煮至氣閥門跳動,轉至細火,共煨煮約6-8分鐘。
Add the minced ginger, tofu and pickled mustard greens to the pot. Put on the lid and cook over medium heat until the Vapo-valve starts to click. Then turn to low heat. Simmer for around 6-8 minutes. Keep the valve clicking while cooking.
7. 熄火後隨個人口味加胡椒粉及蔥花,趁熱享用!
Turn off the heat, season with ground white pepper and chopped scallions according to personal preference. Serve and enjoy!