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Only 2 main ingredients! Super simple, quick and delicious banana dessert recipe

Only 2 main ingredients! Super simple, quick and delicious banana dessert recipe

Ingredients and recipe:
Cut off both ends of a banana
Peel the banana
1 shou zhua bing (crispy chinese pancake) or pastry
Put the banana on the pancake, than roll up from the end
Divide into 8 parts
Place on baking pan lined parchment paper
Crack 1 egg into a bowl
Scoop out the egg yolk
Egg wash
Sprinkle some white sugar (optional)
Add some white sesame seeds (optional)
Bake for 15-20 minutes at 375°F/190°C
After baking
Only use 2 main ingredients
Super crispy and delicious banana snack

#simplerecipe #panbread #bananacake #dessert #pancake #deliciousrecipe
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