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Pokémon·Emerald Cake |Grape cake, made with "a huge amount of money".|Pokémon Series
[01] 家有寶可夢 · 綠寶石慕斯蛋糕 | 寶石青提蛋糕,「斥巨資」做出來的。【日食記Sean's Kitchen】
[Pokémon at Home Issue 1·Emerald Mousse Cake] What is it like to live with Pokémon? "I" can't wait to make a cake to celebrate every day. I spent a lot of money to buy emerald green grapes, put a lot of thought into it, and made the most successful mousse cake in my life. I also got a new friend who came to my yard and wanted to eat the cake together. "I" invited it to have cakes and biscuits, so we’re friends now, right?
【家有宝可梦 第1期·绿宝石慕斯蛋糕】
👉甜一下Sweety 🍰🍨🍦 | 吃点甜的治愈一下吧: is.gd/X62fOG
▶hot pot and warm up 火锅美食任你选: is.gd/5r9RIx
▶传统节日都吃啥 Food in Chinese traditional festival :is.gd/2eSrhL
▶【深夜一碗面】Midnight Noodles | 暖胃暖心 简简单单: is.gd/zMDBtc
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