11いいね 129回再生

Nightcore - Save Me「DEAMN」

✪Song: Save Me
✪Artist: DEAMN
✪Original Video Link:    • DEAMN - Save Me (Audio)  
✪Image: www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust…
✪Image Artist: ふーらい


✪Follow DEAMN Here
YouTube - youtube.com/deamnmusic
Facebook - www.facebook.com/deamnmusic
Instagram - www.instagram.com/deamnmusic
Twitter - www.twitter.com/deamnmusic

✪Follow ふーらい Here
Pixiv - www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=9927
Website - amekaze.nomaki.jp/
Twitter - twitter.com/furai127


►This video is purely fan-made and will not be used for commercial purposes. This video is for entertainment with no intention of copyrighting the song/image...

►Copyright Issues - If any artist or label has any problems with this video, please send me an email at Aurephelia@gmail.com and I will remove the content for you...