Song: ヤンキーボーイ・ヤンキーガール (Yankee Boy Yankee Girl)
Vocal: kradness
Chakras: Guardians
Lyrics: Sunny Subs (Found them!! I'm a bad looker XD)
No matter how many times we're hit
We'll be seething with anger
Wheres your sense of justice?! asking
Yankee Boy Yankee Girl
I wanna laugh together with someone!
Today too and the day after tomorrow as well.
No matter how many times I'm hit or fall I just wanna see the morning sun!
Yankee Boy Yankee Girl
I'll take care of it, so
I won't let your future ever be sullied!!
Hope you guys like! It was hard making this without English lyrics... "orz But I forced myself anyway! \( ; v ; )/
Song: • 【歌ってみた】 ヤンキーボーイ・ヤンキーガール 【kradness】
~Thank you for watching~
Flipnote Hatena: