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Digital in Focus Year 1 Delivery Essentials

Dive deep into essential Year 1 delivery resources for Digital educators, designed to elevate teaching practices and optimise student learning experiences through accessible on-demand content. Links to all resources referred to in the video can be found below:
NCFE Digital T level qualification page Digital - Technical Education - T Levels | NCFE | NCFE
Hodder text book Digital T Level: Digital Support Services and Digital Business Services (Core)
Hodder student revision guide www.hoddereducation.com/my-revision-notes-digital-…
STEM resources www.stem.org.uk/post-16/resources/collections/t-le…
Technical Education networks resources www.technicaleducationnetworks.org.uk/digital/?mtm…
ETF resources www.et-foundation.co.uk/digital-trips/
CISCO networking academy News | Article Landing page
Packet tracer labs and tutorials www.packettracernetwork.com/labs/
World Skills resources All courses | WorldSkills UK Learning Lab

Barclays life skills barclayslifeskills.com/

Barclays presentation and team working barclayslifeskills.com/educators/lessons/communica…

Barclays problem solving Problem Solving – Problem Solving Skills & Resources

Clemson reflection www.clemson.edu/otei/teaching-guides/student-engag…

Symonds reflection symondsresearch.com/reflection-activities-exercise…

UWS selecting credible sources uws-uk.libguides.com/evaluating_sources/test_yours…

CRAAP killarneylibrary.weebly.com/website-craap-detectio…

Barclays English, maths and digital barclayslifeskills.com/help-others/lessons/?age=ag…

STEM debate kits | STEM

STEM core maths www.stem.org.uk/secondary/resources/collections/ma…

CISCO digital literacy Digital Awareness