玉子豆腐肉碎蒸蛋 Steamed Egg with Pork Mince and Egg Tofu
材料 Ingredients
免治豬肉 200克 / 200g pork mince
玉子豆腐 2條 / 2 egg tofu
雞蛋 1隻 / 1 egg
麻油 適量 / sesame oil, to taste
生抽 適量 / light soy sauce, to taste
豬肉醃料 Marinade for pork mince
薑片 2-3片 / 2-3 ginger slices
蔥花 適量 / chopped scallions, to taste
生抽 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
料理酒 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon Japanese cooking wine
蠔油 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon oyster sauce
生粉 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon cornstarch
麻油 1/5茶匙 / 1/5 teaspoon sesame oil
水 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon water
做法 Method
1. 薑切碎成薑末。
Mince the ginger slices.
2. 免治豬肉加入薑末和醃料拌勻,醃10分鐘備用。
Add the minced ginger and marinade to the pork and sit for 10 minutes.
3. 玉子豆腐切片,平均鋪放在鍋中。
Sliced the egg tofu, place evenly at the bottom of the pot.
4. 將豬肉平鋪在玉子豆腐上。
Spread the pork mince on the egg tofu.
5. 在肉餅中間撥開一洞,加入雞蛋。
Make a hole in the middle of the mince and put in the egg.
6. 將鍋放入鑊中,蓋上鑊蓋,隔水蒸8分鐘。
Put the pot into the wok, put on the lid and steam it with a rack for 8 minutes.
7. 淋上少許麻油和生抽,撒上蔥花便可趁熱享用!
Drizzle with a little sesame oil and light soy sauce, sprinkle with the chopped scallions. Serve hot!
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