This year marks the 20th anniversary of P.A. Works, a studio based in the country-side town of Nanto. Having created iconic shows like Angel Beats, Hanasaku Iroha, and Shirobako, the studio is now working on capturing America in the 19th century in their newest show Appare-Ranman!
OTAQUEST is an initiative dedicated to introducing Japanese pop- and sub-culture to English-speaking fans, direct from Tokyo, Japan. On our site, we feature regular interviews with creators of anime, music, games, and fashion. On our Youtube channel, we summarise all of the things that make us love Japanese entertainment and fashion.
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The Community Activism of P.A. Works -…
An Interview with P.A. Works' Kenji Horikawa - • An Interview with P.A. Works' Kenji H...
All footage is used for the purpose of education and review.