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BANDY'S UNIVERSE Ep 1: The Orb of Powers Origins

LIMITED EDITION ORB OF POWER PLUSHIE: www.makeship.com/products/orb-of-power-plush

Bandy's Universe has arrived! A brand-new experimental video series where Nathaniel and Carl accidentally travel to a mysterious void and learn that there's 5 orbs in the universe. We have the Orb of Power and find the Orb of Mystery, but how will we find the other 3? ...should we even?

See my Videos Early! ► youtube.com/channel/UCRwczJ_nk1t9IGHyHfHbXRQ/join
Bathaniel Nandy ► youtube.com/c/NathanielBandy2
NB Clips ► youtube.com/c/BandyClips
Merch ► crowdmade.com/collections/nat...

Credits: docs.google.com/document/d/1nHMVKgi4cvXQTnL4zH5j2F…

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Channel Avatars by Charriii5:    / @charriii5