【國語配音】盡訴心中情 (Midnight Whispers)|李賽鳳(Moon Lee)、顧美華(Josephine Ku)、白韻琴(Pamela Peck):節目主持人(顧美華飾)自小生活艱辛,婚後又受丈夫冷落,冒生命危險生下一個女兒(李賽鳯飾)。之後丈夫更變本加厲憤而離婚,法庭上幾經辛苦取得女兒撫養權。但從大陸下來的婆婆卻偷偷抱孫女回去汕頭,適值文革,婆婆被判華東勞改,顧踏遍天涯仍找到女兒,十年後,才獲淮申請回汕頭尋找女兒,金為了籌措十萬元黑錢,甘願做人情婦,誰知女兒對母親並不諒解,加上備受同學冷眼,在損友慫勇下在夜總會工作。顧為了女兒,決定離開供養她的男人,卻受毒打。顧在夜總會尋獲女兒,目睹女兒沉淪,悲痛欲絕之餘服毒自殺,死前致電台節目「盡訴心中情」,傾吐一生遭遇,節目主持人白韻琴馬上報警追查……
The story is about a woman (Koo Mei Wah) who lived a very hard life at her teen-ages. After she got married, she gave birth to a baby girl (Lee Choi Fung), and no longer, she divorced with her husband. In the court, she tried her best and finally got the right to raise her own daughter. Later, without Koo's permission her mother-in-law took her daughter away from Koo and went to China without anyone's attention. Koo tried but she couldn't find her daughter and she's extremely upset.
On the other hand, Koo's mother-in-law died and left the poor granddaughter alone in China, with no one taking care of her. After ten year's time, Koo finally got the news and the address of her daughter. Koo met her daughter in China and helped her to immigrate to Hong Kong. Koo got her in school and did everything to make her happy, return for the past ten unfortunate years. Koo got married again after her divorce. Her present husband didn't like Koo's daughter much and this made Koo very embarrassing, she was helpless. After all, Koo decided to leave her present husband and live with her daughter happily after ever.
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💬粵語版本 Cantonese Version: • 童年陰影系列 靈異愛情|衰鬼撬牆腳 (Till Death Shall W...
社會寫實系列 女性苦難悲劇電影|盡訴心中情 (國語) Midnight Whispers|李賽鳳|顧美華|白韻琴|國語配音|8號電影院HK Movie|香港電影01
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