Starting Monday, December 23rd, 2024, we are re-releasing five seasonal effects from 2024—Cherry Blossoms, Rain, Fireflies, Halloween, and Autumn Leaves—for a limited time. Add these effects to your memorable works, end-of-year art, or your first creations of 2025!
You can display these effects on your illustrations by using specific tags.
▼Effect Period
Monday, December 23rd, 12:00 pm - Thursday, January 9th, 2025, 12:00 pm JST
*Start and end times may vary depending on circumstances.
▼Available Tags
Cherry blossom effect: pixivSakuraFestival2024
Rain effect: pixivRain2024
Firefly effect: pixivGlow2024
Halloween effect: TrickOrTreat2024
Autumn leaves effect: pixivFall2024
▼How to Use
You can use the seasonal effects in the following two ways.
1. Post your illustrations on pixiv with one of the relevant tags
2. Add the relevant tag to illustrations you've posted in the past
For detailed instructions on how to use this feature, please see the article below.
▼How it Works
・This feature can be used on the desktop and smartphone versions of pixiv. The effect will not be displayed in the app even if the tag is used.
・ The effect will work only if you tag your own illustrations. Tagging other people's illustrations will have no effect.
・ The effect can only be applied to illustrations. It won't work on Ugoira, manga, and novels.
・If you tagged your illustration before the feature's release date, effects will be applied starting from the release time.
・After the period ends, the effect will automatically be turned off even if the tag is used. The submitted work will not be deleted.
・ If multiple tags are used, only one effect will be displayed at a time.
This feature and the period for which you can use it may be changed or canceled without prior notice due to circumstances.
If you have any questions about this feature, please contact us through the following inquiry form with the subject "About the Seasonal Effect Re-release".…
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■pixiv's Official
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