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聖誕節菜式 - 洋蔥磨菇汁伴煎焗豬鞍 Pan-fried Pork Loin Rack with Onion Mushroom Sauce #shorts

洋蔥磨菇汁伴煎焗豬鞍 Pan-fried Pork Loin Rack with Onion Mushroom Sauce

材料 Ingredients
豬鞍 2片 / 2 pork loin racks
海鹽 少許 / sea salt, to taste
黑胡椒 少許 / black pepper, to taste
香芹 少許 / parsley, to taste

醬汁材料 Sauce Ingredients
洋蔥 3/4個 / 3/4 onion
磨菇 6-8粒 / 6-8 mushrooms
薑 1-2片 / 1-2 ginger slices
蒜 2瓣 / 2 cloves garlic
乾蔥 1粒 / 1 shallot
生抽 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
老抽 半湯匙 / 1/2 tablespoon dark soy sauce
蠔油 1湯匙 / 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
糖 少許 / sugar, to taste
黑胡椒 少許 / black pepper, to taste
水 150毫升/ 150ml water
麵粉 約1茶匙 / around 1 teaspoon flour

做法 Method
1. 洋蔥切幼條狀;磨菇和乾蔥切片。
Cut the onion into thin strips; slice the mushrooms; slice the shallot.

2. 預先混合好醬汁材料:生抽、老抽、蠔油、糖、黑胡椒及水,備用。
Mix the sauce ingredients (light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, black pepper and water) in advance and set aside.

3. 加油在鍋中,開中火加熱,下薑,蒜,乾蔥爆香,再下洋蔥轉用中細火炒至金黃色。
Add oil to a pot and heat it over medium heat, add and sauté ginger, garlic and shallot until aromatic. Then add onions and stir-fry over medium low heat until golden brown.

4. 下磨菇炒至軟身,夾起薑片和蒜頭。
Add and stir-fry the mushrooms until soft, then pick and discard the ginger and the garlic from the pot.

5. 加入已混合好醬汁,加蓋轉細火煮10分鐘。
Add the mixed sauce, put on the lid and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

6. 最後逐少加入麵粉拌勻至醬汁濃稠 (醬汁如果太稠,可加少許熱水拌勻至適合自己的稀稠度) 。
Add flour little by little and mix well until the sauce is thick. (If the sauce is too thick, can add a little hot water and mix well until it reaches the preferred consistency.)

7. 豬鞍洗淨用廚房紙抹乾,用刀背拍鬆兩面,撒上少量海鹽及黑胡椒。
Rinse the pork loin racks and pat dry with paper towels, pat loose both sides with the back of a knife. Sprinkle with a little sea salt and black pepper.

8. 加油落鍋,開中大火加熱,待有少許煙後下豬鞍煎2分鐘,反轉另一面再煎2分鐘。
Add oil to a pot and heat it over medium high heat. After the smoke emerges, add the pork loin racks and pan-fry for 2 minutes. Flip and pan-fry the other side for another 2 minutes.

9. 拆去鍋蓋上黑色的部份,將煎鍋連蓋一起放入已預熱焗爐,用180℃焗15分鐘。
Remove the black part of the pot lid, put the lid back on, place the pot into a preheated oven, bake at 180℃ for around 15 minutes.

10. 豬鞍上碟後,淋上洋蔥磨菇汁及撒上香芹裝飾便完成!
Place the pork loin racks on a plate and pour the onion mushroom sauce over them. Sprinkle with parsley to garnish. Serve and enjoy!

Prime-Living生活館 x Saladmaster沙朗大師

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