#桑ji食品 #东京食品 #Tokyo Travel
Do you think that after the famous sushi restaurants in the Tsukiji Inner Market moved to Toyosu, no one would go to Tsukiji? Tsukiji Tokyo Kitchen's name is not in vain. Whether it's copper plate delicacies or fresh seafood delicacies, the Tsukiji walking delicacies with rich content, variety and high CP value can definitely satisfy the picky taste buds of locals and tourists. Please come here for breakfast! !
Travel first selected six Japanese IG check-in and walk food, do they suit our Taiwanese taste? The video tells you!
▼Travel Priority specially made the practical map google maps in this episode for the little travel companions ▼
▼Tokyo Raiders 2023 will be launched one after another▼
• 東京丨Tokyo,Japan
▼The 2023 Bangkok tour will be launched one after another▼
• 曼谷丨Bangkok,Thailand
▼India self-help travel is awesome▼
• 印度奇幻漂流|India
▼There are also many Taiwan travel videos▼
• 南投旅遊|埔里隱藏版網美景點與在地人激推美食加上醉人的伴手禮
• 花蓮旅遊|EP2.花蓮異國情調一日遊/日本神社混搭天主教堂衝突嗎?歐式莊園...
• 嘉義EP.1丨穿著和服逛嘉義-日式風情網美景點與打卡美食七選
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