1 切り干し大根はハサミで2cm長さに切り、洗って軽く水気を絞り、ポリ袋に入れる。
2 1にツナ水煮を汁ごと加え、汁をなじませる。きゅうりは千切りにし、塩昆布、ごま油と一緒にポリ袋に加え、空気を抜くように口を絞り、15分程置く。
About this Recipe Collection To mark 2021, the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, TAF has published a collection of “ARIGATO (Gratitude)” recipes as a way of saying thank you once again to everyone who participated in and supported this project. Accumulating our expertise based on over eight and a half years of experience on the ground, and cooking and eating approximately 500 meals each month, we have developed this recipe collection with the following principles. ・To ensure that even those who are not used to cooking can easily make delicious food ・Targeting mainly the elderly, to give consideration to health and nutritional balance, with approximately 500kcal of energy, 3g or less of salt, and about 20g of protein per meal ・To make the recipe budget-friendly with an ingredient costs of no more than 300 yen per meal, using seasonal and accessible ingredients cooking can easily make delicious food ・Targeting mainly the elderly, to give consideration to health and nutritional balance, with approximately 500kcal of energy, 3g or less of salt, and about 20g of protein per meal ・To make the recipe budget-friendly with an ingredient costs of no more than 300 yen per meal, using seasonal and accessible ingredients Currently, the recipes have been well received and widely used by local groups that voluntarily hold cooking classes even after the Foundation’s direct staffing support has ended, dietary improvement promotion groups, children’s cafeterias, nutritionists, and others. Although this represents only a small sample, the wide range of distinctively Japanese meal recipes, ingredients, cooking methods, and salt reduction techniques are given. We hope you enjoy.