7いいね 349回再生

Wara enab - Fatteh - Manaish dough recipe - Stuffed potato - Kafta recipe with eggplant #arabicfood

All recipes you can find down below

   • Warak enab mahshi recipe -  dawali re...  

Warak enab (mahshi) - Yalanji - Stuffed vine leaves without meat - Dolma- يالنجي ورق عنب
   • Warak enab (mahshi) - Yalanji -  Stuf...  

Easy stuffed kibbeh recipe - kibbeh balls without machine - how to make kibbeh at home - كبة مقلية
   • Easy stuffed kibbeh recipe - kibbeh b...  

Kibbeh bil laban - Kibbe Labanieh (yogurt sauce) - طريقة عمل الكبه باللبن
   • Kibbeh bil laban - Kibbe Labanieh (yo...  

Butter chicken in 30 minutes - How to make butter chicken - طريقة عمل دجاج بالزبدة الهندي الاصلي
   • Butter chicken in 30 minutes - How to...