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Harridan - Return God of the Dark Unboxing #metalcommunity #blackmetal #depressiveblackmetal #metal

Excited to share this special unboxing of Harridan's EP, 'God of the Dark,' which was sent to me on October 8th, 2021.

Harridan hails from Poland, originally from Krosno, Podkarpackie, and later moved to the United Kingdom. Formed in 1997, this active Black Metal band explores themes of Satanism, Death, and Occultism. Their music is released under the label Mirat Fortin.

Bandcamp: chaosharridan.bandcamp.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Harridan-109071148055091
Homepage: www.miratfortin.com/page-ihOg2qJsu
Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/4g2mAV3fbq3mbooud4VJAR?si=…

The EP includes the following tracks:

Deamonomania (08:53)
Winter Sabbath (06:03)
Destroy Fucking Tiamat (05:53)
Harridan (08:51)
A huge thank you to Harridan for this amazing CD! Let’s dive into this unboxing and celebrate their dark and powerful sound."

#Harridan #BlackMetal #GodOfTheDark #MetalUnboxing #PolishBlackMetal #OccultMetal #SatanicMetal #DeathMetal #MiratFortin #MetalCDs #MetalCollectors #BlackMetalCommunity #MetalHeads #InstaMetal #MetalAppreciation #AlbumUnboxing #SupportBlackMetal #MetalMusic #BlackMetalArt
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