32いいね 2136回再生


This time we visited the Zushi Fureai Market in Zushi City, Kanagawa Prefecture.
Many of the stores were also present at the Zushi Antique Market, and we were able to touch many antiques.
We strolled around the retro and resort parts of Zushi, so please be sure to watch to the end.

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   / @friedsoaked_eggplant-gs8ux  
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▼Flea Market Information
About Antique Market➡www.zushitrip.com/spot/detail_402.html
Check if it is held here ➡www2j.biglobe.ne.jp/~tatuta/
0:00 Opening
0:52 Market
7:27 Zushi Stroll
10:59 Introduction of purchases 

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#Antique Market
#flea market
#flea market vlog