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$306 vs $11 Ramen: Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients | Epicurious

Professional chef Yuji Haraguchi of Okonomi and Yuji Ramen and home cook Joe are trading ingredients and hitting the kitchen to make each other’s udon ramen recipe.

Find Chef Yuji and his restaurants on Instagram at @haraguchiyuji, @okonomibk and @yujiramen_bk
Find Joe on Instagram and other social platforms at @mrjoemiles

Director: Chris Principe
Director of Photography: Ben Dewey
Editor: Michael Imhoff
Featuring: Yuji Haraguchi
Talent: Joe Miles
Director of Culinary Production: Kelly Janke
Producer: Isabel Alcantara
Culinary Producer: Jessica Do
Culinary Associate Producer: Leslie Raney
Line Producer: Jen McGinity
Associate Producer: Amanda Broll
Project Manager: Janine Dispensa
Production Coordinator: Elizabeth Hymes
Camera Operator: Caleb Weiss
Audio Engineer: Z Jadwick
Production Assistant: Alex Mitchell
Post Production Supervisor: Andrea Farr
Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter
Supervising Editor: Eduardo Araujo
Assistant Editor: Lauren Worona

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