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Tips for a Successful Back to School Morning Routine!

Welcome back, my Oldies but Goodies! 🌟 Today I'm sharing tips for a successful back to schoool morning routine! Thank you Kiwi CO for sponsoring this video! Go to www.kiwico.com/nitra and get 50% off your first month of KiwiCo with code NITRA.

In this video I have some tips for both parents and kids, designed to make mornings smoother, and more enjoyable.

Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to my channel!

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F O L L O W M E --

♡ I N S T A G R A M➜NitraaB
♡ F A C E B O O K➜ on.fb.me/143uEJ5​
♡ V L O G➜
♡ P I N T E R E S T➜NitraaB

-Recorded with Canon 90d
-Lens amzn.to/1ZXBayE​
-Edited with Final Cut Pro


Hi I’m Anitra. (aka NitraaB), welcome to my channel! I’m a mother, home decor lover, & self-taught MUA! My channel is dedicated to spreading positivity and joy to every viewer out there. The three content pillars of my channel are Mom Life, Home & Organization, and Everyday Lifestyle. I juggle a million tasks as a mom and you’ll hear all about how we parent our son Uriah along with mommy tips and tricks that I’ve found helpful throughout the way! Since moving into our own house a few years ago, I’ve loved creating content around interior design, hours tours, organization, and clean with me videos! Lastly, you’ll have a lens into my everyday routines - everything from date night ideas, to cooking / food / what I eat in a day, to motivational videos and more. Join me for the journey