Hello ☺Thank you for watching my video.
Today I made a moist textured roll cake with rice flour.
It turned out to be a very delicious roll cake with the aroma of coffee and the sweetness of chocolate spreading in your mouth☺.
■Coffee roll cake (37.5cm x 24cm or 27cm x 27cm)
30 g hot water
4 g instant coffee
4 egg yolks
30 g salad oil
45 g rice flour
4 egg whites
80 g granulated sugar
■Chocolate cream
60 g sweet chocolate
40 g milk
200 ml heavy cream
8g granulated sugar
30 g sweet chocolate
▷How to make:
1. Mix hot water and instant coffee to dissolve.
2. Add the salad oil to the egg yolks and mix well.
3. Add rice flour and mix until smooth.
4. Add granulated sugar to egg whites in 3 parts and whisk to make a meringue.
5. Mix the meringue and ③, and pour the batter into the cake roll baking pan.
Bake in a preheated oven at 170℃ for 13 to 16 minutes. Immediately after baking, remove from the baking sheet and peel off the cooking sheet from the sides.
7. Melt the sweet chocolate in a pan of simmering water, add the milk and mix until glossy. Remove from the water bath and allow to cool.
8. Add the granulated sugar to the heavy cream and beat gently in iced water. Remove from ice water and add all the chocolate mixture from (7) and beat again.
9. Cut off one side of the cake roll dough diagonally and roll it up with the cream. Refrigerate for 1 hour. (Squeeze out excess cream and freeze until firm).
10. Fill the cornet with melted chocolate, decorate the rolls diagonally, and top with the cream.