Released during the New Year holiday, Jonny! Keep Walking has been a hit in China recently. It's now rated 8.2 on Douban and commented as "speaking out what employees dare not to say" by revealing a lot of ridiculous phenomena in workplaces. Dun Runnian, the movie's director and scriptwriter, has done three mass interviews since 2017 and the interviewees were from big internet companies, foreign and state-owned enterprises, providing nearly a hundred stories.
元旦檔《年會不能停! 》的熱度一直沒有降。 職場上烏煙瘴氣的怪現象,被這部電影扒了個精光。 豆瓣評分也隨之上升到8.2,被盛讚:替打工人說出了想說不敢說的話。 編劇兼導演董潤年從2017年起,做了3輪大規模訪談,涵蓋了大廠、外企、國企的員工,收集到近百個職場故事。
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