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For those who are worried that the lump-sum investment at the beginning of the year in 2025 will fail. In conclusion, let's return the perspective to the long term. Today, we will use the IT bubble as an example of the century's biggest crash... ① If you make a lump-sum investment at the beginning of the year in January every year at the peak of the IT bubble, or invest 300,000 yen every month, which will win? ② If you make 18 million yen in the five years just before the IT bubble, the same amount as the new NISA, and then the nightmare of the IT bubble collapses right after, or if you save 18 million yen for 15 years from five years before the IT bubble, which will win? We will mainly introduce two simulations. We will introduce information that will help those who invested in a lump-sum investment at the beginning of the year regain their investment grip and allow them to settle down and be positive and invest for the long term.

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■Table of contents
00:00 | Opening
03:20 | 1. Important things to keep in mind for long-term investments
08:54 | 2. If you invested 18 million yen over 5 years immediately after the collapse of the IT bubble, which would win: a lump sum at the beginning of the year vs. monthly installments?
12:55 | 3. Which would win: investing 18 million yen over 5 years just before the IT bubble collapses, or investing 18 million yen over 15 years from just before the IT bubble collapses?
15:19 | 4. Let's review the benefits and precautions of lump-sum investment at the beginning of the year!
18:51 | 5. When it comes to asset management, is time actually more important than the ability to deposit money? ~ Buffett's anecdote

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