275いいね 18832回再生

韓式安東燉雞|超下飯❗️比想像中易做|韓國粉絲勁Q彈 An-dong Jjimdak Korean Braised Chicken 안동찜닭 (ENG Sub) #Kfood

#韓國料理 #雞 #簡易食譜 #英國煮什麼 #cookingwithcelia
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0:00 Intro
0:26 準備韓國粉絲 How to prepare Korean Glass Noodles
1:57 煮食步驟 How to Cook
3:45 食後感 Tasting
6:04 食材表 Ingredients List

材料 Ingredients:( 3-4人 需時: 30分鐘)
雞 Chicken ½ pc 半隻
洋蔥 Onion 1 個
甘筍 Carrot 2 條
薯仔 Potato 300 g 克
韓國粉絲 Korean Glass Noodles 130 g克
蒜頭 Garlic 3 cloves瓣
薑Ginger 3 slices 片
辣椒乾 Dried Chili 2 條
油 Oil 1 tbsp 湯匙
醬汁 Sauce:
韓式辣醬 Gochujang 1 tsp茶匙 (視乎個人喜好)
豉油 Soy Sauce 50 ml 毫升
紅糖 Dark Brown Sugar 2 tbsp湯匙
蜜糖/糖漿 Honey / Golden Syrup 3 tbsp湯匙
水 Water 1 -1.5 bowls碗
麻油 Sesame oil 2 tbsp湯匙
炒香芝麻 Toasted Sesame Seeds 1 tsp 茶匙

做法 Directions:
1. 韓國粉絲加熱水浸軟。
Soak the Korean glass noodles with hot water to soften it.
2. 洋蔥切件,甘荀去皮滾刀切件,薯仔去皮。
Cut the onion in pieces, peel and cut the carrot and potato in bite size.
3. 蒜頭切成蓉,薑切片,辣椒乾切細。
Minced the garlic, slice the gingers, cut the dried chili into pieces.
4. 雞切件。Chop the chicken in pieces.
5. 韓式辣醬、豉油、紅糖拌勻成醬汁備用。
Mix the Gochujang, soy sauce and dark brown sugar as sauce.
6. 中大火燒熱鑊,下油,下雞件,略煎香(約 5 分鐘)。
Heat the pan into medium high heat, add oil and chicken, pan fried both side for around 5 minutes.
7. 下洋蔥和一半蒜蓉略炒香後下醬汁拌勻。
Add Onion and half of garlic stir fry until fragrance, add the sauce, mix wel。
8. 下薯仔、甘荀和水拌勻 (水的份量蓋過食材 ¾) ,蓋上蓋滾起後中小火煮15分鐘或至薯仔軟身。
Add Potato, carrot and water. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until the potato soften.
9. 下蜜糖拌勻後加入韓國粉絲和剩餘的蒜蓉。
Add honey, glass noodles and the remaining minced garlic.
10. 蓋上蓋小火煮8分鐘或至粉絲軟身。
Cover and simmer for 8 minutes or until the glass noodles is soften.
11. 下麻油拌勻後上碟。
Add sesame oil and serve on plate.
12. 灑上芝麻趁熱享用,
Garnish with sesame seed and serve.

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