48いいね 2368回再生

Sonic Frontiers Korone DLC Mod (PC/Steam Deck)

Use this instead: https://archive.org/details/FrontiersJPDLC...

This is an actual port of the DLC. Not just the shoes, but the sound effects and Koronesuki as well. Just add it to HedgeModManager on Windows. On Linux/Deck, just paste the contents into the game's DLC folder. Then use CreamAPI to activate it (you're on your own for finding CreamAPI, as it's a DLC piracy tool). CreamAPI needs to be reapplied after every time the game updates. So make a backup of the cracked steam_api64.dll somewhere you can easily copy and paste it back each update. If you'd rather use the recreaton mod shown in the video, the original video description is down below.


Link to mod: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0pbujr4gnwm...

This is a mod that was taken down from Gamebanana. It is a direct rip from the Switch version. I did not create this mod. I'm simply re uploading it for archive sake. This is only the outfit. The rest of the DLC hasn't been modded in (and may not be for some time, as Gamebanana moderators are heavily against this DLC being modded in). The workaround would be to recreate the DLC from scratch instead of directly ripping/porting.

On Gamebanana, there is still available a recreation of the DLC outfit. The mod in this video is the actual outfit directly taken from Switch.