45いいね 292050回再生

【日本東北仙台】厚切牛舌食感爆炸!日本唯一抱抱狐狸|唔使$200 嘅鮮蠔放題?著名日本三景之一!大灣區航空 GBA

🍴 想要食不一樣嘅牛舌?去 仙台!
🦊 想要近距離同狐狸互動?去 仙台!
🏞️ 想要睇 #日本 三大景之一?去 仙台!

#仙台 牛舌🐮、#松島 牡蠣放題 🦪、藏王狐狸村 🦊… #仙台 就係咁多嘢玩,乘搭 #GBA 直航前往仙台,帶你深度遊玩日本,親身體驗「飛」一般嘅旅遊趣味!😊 想知點樣先可以玩盡仙台?💭 即刻去片睇吓 GBA 隆重呈獻嘅旅遊攻略啦 😉~

✈️ #GBA 每星期高達 4️⃣ 班航班由香港直飛仙台*。機票現已開賣,快啲去 GBA 官網預訂啦,仙台我嚟啦:bit.ly/3XHHqRY

【💓 Great Exploration at Sendai: Food, Sights, Fun 🥳】

🍴 Want to try unique beef tongue? Go to Sendai!
🎢 Want to interact closely with foxes? Go to Sendai!
🏞️ Want to see one of Japan's three great views? Go to Sendai!

Sendai Beef Tongue 🐮, Oyster Buffet in #Matsushima 🦪, Zao Fox Village 🦊… #Sendai has so much to offer! Take a direct flight with GBA to Sendai and dive deep into the fun of travelling in #Japan, experiencing the #GreatJourney! 😊Want to know how to make the most of #Sendai? 💭 Check out the travel guide presented by GBA right now! 😉

✈️ #GreaterBayAirlines will operate up to 4️⃣ flights per week flying directly from Hong Kong to Sendai*. Tickets are now on sale, hurry to the GBA website to book your trip, where Sendai is waiting to make you happy: bit.ly/3XHHqRY 😌

#仙台我嚟啦 #想飛就飛 #TravelBetterTogether #FLYGBA #大灣區航空
