去年Kingsley在Art Basel上展出了作品《二十五分鐘後》,在鬧市中心創造另類的展示空間。他將電車改裝成流動暗室,伴以劉以鬯的小説《對倒》中的節錄朗讀,讓乘客體現不一樣的光影旅程。
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Kingsley is an interdisciplinary artist whose artistic journey begins in childhood. Kingsley used to take a tram and hang out with his grandfather. During the ride, Kingsley’s grandfather taught him art and wisdom in everyday life, inspiring him to think in depth and turn constraints into opportunities.
Last year, Kingsley’s installation “Twenty-Five Minutes Older” was exhibited at Art Basel. The work demonstrated a creative use of space in the hub by transforming a tram into a roving camera obscura. A narrative based on Liu Yichang’s novella Tête-bêche was run in parallel, bringing a brand new experience to participating passengers.
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