The Best "Buy Once, Cry Once" Ham Radio
The video explores the "buy once, cry once" mentality in amateur radio, specifically focusing on the Yaesu FT-857. The speaker argues that starting with a less expensive VHF/UHF radio is a better approach for beginners, as it allows them to develop skills and discover their interests before investing in a more complex all-band radio.
Armoloq Radio Frames PROTECT Your Radios!
Armoloq Radio Frames designs and manufactures protective cages for radios. The cages protect the radio from damage, including knobs, connectors, and antennas. They also allow for relocation of peripherals, such as RF connectors, USB ports, and external speakers.
Ham Radio Crash Course
My name is Josh, I'm a dad living in Southern California with my wife and two sons. I'm an engineer and radio amateur.
They Fixed it! Wouxun KG-Q10H QUAD-BAND Amateur Radio
The video reviews the Wouxun KG-Q10H quad-band amateur radio, which was previously found to have spurious emissions. The reviewer tests the radio's emissions and receiver sensitivity, finding that the issues have been fixed. They then test the radio's power output across different bands.
Turn Your Android INTO A Walkie Talkie!
This video shows how to build a walkie-talkie using a custom PCB and an Android phone. The project is relatively inexpensive and involves soldering components onto the PCB. The video also demonstrates how to program the firmware and use the walkie-talkie's features, including APRS messaging.
Ham Radio Crash Course
My name is Josh, I'm a dad living in Southern California with my wife and two sons. I'm an engineer and radio amateur.
Amateur Radio HF GoBoxes by OE1TRI - Update 2024
This video showcases three different cases built by the creator for amateur radio use. The cases include a main case with a shortwave transceiver, a quadband receiver, and a digital interface, a smaller case for handheld radios and a signal link modem, and a case for a holiday home with a shortwave transceiver and a VHF/UHF transceiver. The creator discusses the features and functionality of each case, highlighting their versatility and portability.