《科摩罗》第5集:孤身挑战非洲无人岛,谁知这琵琶虾能抓到手软,就连椰子蟹也是多到拎不动   #椰子蟹 #无人岛 #荒岛 #荒岛探索 #抓龙虾 #非洲 #琵琶虾
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《科摩罗》第5集:孤身挑战非洲无人岛,谁知这琵琶虾能抓到手软,就连椰子蟹也是多到拎不动 #椰子蟹 #无人岛 #荒岛 #荒岛探索 #抓龙虾 #非洲 #琵琶虾
《科摩罗》第4集:夜探非洲荒岛,危机四伏,不仅被鲨鱼尾随,还被海胆扎了一堆的刺,小腿瞬间肿了一圈     #无人岛 #荒岛 #荒岛探索 #抓龙虾 #海钓 #非洲 #鲨鱼
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《科摩罗》第4集:夜探非洲荒岛,危机四伏,不仅被鲨鱼尾随,还被海胆扎了一堆的刺,小腿瞬间肿了一圈 #无人岛 #荒岛 #荒岛探索 #抓龙虾 #海钓 #非洲 #鲨鱼
《科摩罗》第3集:独闯非洲红树林,大青蟹还未开始抓,竟先发现大龙虾老巢,随便一抓就收获满满  #无人岛 #荒岛 #荒岛探索 #抓龙虾 #抓螃蟹 #红树林 #赶海
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《科摩罗》第3集:独闯非洲红树林,大青蟹还未开始抓,竟先发现大龙虾老巢,随便一抓就收获满满 #无人岛 #荒岛 #荒岛探索 #抓龙虾 #抓螃蟹 #红树林 #赶海
《科摩罗》第2集:挑战探索非洲荒岛,意外收获巨型海参,连大龙虾也是粗如手臂 #无人岛 #荒岛 #抓龙虾 #荒岛探索 #抓海参 #潜水 #非洲
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《科摩罗》第2集:挑战探索非洲荒岛,意外收获巨型海参,连大龙虾也是粗如手臂 #无人岛 #荒岛 #抓龙虾 #荒岛探索 #抓海参 #潜水 #非洲
《科摩罗》第1集:独闯非洲神秘岛国,深海诡异怪声环绕,还好最后大龙虾收获满满 #无人岛 #海钓 #荒岛探索 #荒岛 #抓龙虾 #非洲 #科摩罗
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《科摩罗》第1集:独闯非洲神秘岛国,深海诡异怪声环绕,还好最后大龙虾收获满满 #无人岛 #海钓 #荒岛探索 #荒岛 #抓龙虾 #非洲 #科摩罗
《马达加斯加》第10集:独自使用皮划艇赶海,收获满黄的海胆,满膏的大螃蟹,金枪口感的蝙蝠鱼  #无人岛 #荒岛 #荒岛探索 #ocean #海钓 #抓螃蟹 #马达加斯加 #非洲
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《马达加斯加》第10集:独自使用皮划艇赶海,收获满黄的海胆,满膏的大螃蟹,金枪口感的蝙蝠鱼 #无人岛 #荒岛 #荒岛探索 #ocean #海钓 #抓螃蟹 #马达加斯加 #非洲
《马达加斯加》第9集:这荒岛的资源极其丰富,不仅大龙虾都是几斤重,就连海螺也是大到徒手抓不下 #抓龙虾 #无人岛 #荒岛 #荒岛探索 #ocean #海钓 #马达加斯加 #抓螃蟹
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《马达加斯加》第9集:这荒岛的资源极其丰富,不仅大龙虾都是几斤重,就连海螺也是大到徒手抓不下 #抓龙虾 #无人岛 #荒岛 #荒岛探索 #ocean #海钓 #马达加斯加 #抓螃蟹
《马达加斯加》第8集:孤身荒岛探险,意外抓获巨型八爪鱼,还有数不尽的大龙虾,收获震撼!#抓龙虾 #无人岛 #荒岛探索 #海钓 #潜水 #荒岛 #抓螃蟹
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《马达加斯加》第8集:孤身荒岛探险,意外抓获巨型八爪鱼,还有数不尽的大龙虾,收获震撼!#抓龙虾 #无人岛 #荒岛探索 #海钓 #潜水 #荒岛 #抓螃蟹
《马达加斯加》第7集:久违的摄影师刚上荒岛,就收获大石斑和别的大货,而且还把鱼肉做成了水饺 #荒岛探索 #无人岛 #荒岛 #海钓 #抓龙虾 #大石斑 #非洲
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《马达加斯加》第7集:久违的摄影师刚上荒岛,就收获大石斑和别的大货,而且还把鱼肉做成了水饺 #荒岛探索 #无人岛 #荒岛 #海钓 #抓龙虾 #大石斑 #非洲
《马达加斯加》第6集:探索偏僻荒岛,海里频现大GT,大石斑,大魟鱼,拉鱼都拉到手软  #抓龙虾 #无人岛 #荒岛探索 #户外 #潜水 #海钓 #打波爬 #ocean
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《马达加斯加》第6集:探索偏僻荒岛,海里频现大GT,大石斑,大魟鱼,拉鱼都拉到手软 #抓龙虾 #无人岛 #荒岛探索 #户外 #潜水 #海钓 #打波爬 #ocean
《马达加斯加》第5集:2天1夜无人岛赶海,水下使用特殊技能,果然鱼获满满   #无人岛 #赶海 #潜水 #荒岛 #抓螃蟹 #抓龙虾 #马达加斯加 #户外
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《马达加斯加》第5集:2天1夜无人岛赶海,水下使用特殊技能,果然鱼获满满 #无人岛 #赶海 #潜水 #荒岛 #抓螃蟹 #抓龙虾 #马达加斯加 #户外
《马达加斯加》第4集:荒岛赶海收获罕见犁头鳐和皇帝星斑,就连巨型蜘蛛螺也遍地都是!#无人岛 #荒岛 #抓龙虾 #荒岛探索 #赶海 #自由潜 #渔猎
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《马达加斯加》第4集:荒岛赶海收获罕见犁头鳐和皇帝星斑,就连巨型蜘蛛螺也遍地都是!#无人岛 #荒岛 #抓龙虾 #荒岛探索 #赶海 #自由潜 #渔猎
《马达加斯加》~第3集:果然是越偏僻的荒岛鱼越大,首次干到这尺寸的大石斑和大龙虾  #抓龙虾 #荒岛生存 #海钓 #荒岛探索 #无人岛 #大石斑
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《马达加斯加》~第3集:果然是越偏僻的荒岛鱼越大,首次干到这尺寸的大石斑和大龙虾 #抓龙虾 #荒岛生存 #海钓 #荒岛探索 #无人岛 #大石斑
《马达加斯加》第2集:2天1夜探索偏僻海岛,这里不仅龙虾多,大红蟹更多,做成咖喱最美味   #抓龙虾 #抓螃蟹 #潜水 #无人岛 #马达加斯加 #赶海 #偏僻海岛
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《马达加斯加》第2集:2天1夜探索偏僻海岛,这里不仅龙虾多,大红蟹更多,做成咖喱最美味 #抓龙虾 #抓螃蟹 #潜水 #无人岛 #马达加斯加 #赶海 #偏僻海岛
《马达加斯加》第1集:两天一夜,1男1女荒岛探索,大货重到提不动,这样的荒岛体验你敢来吗?#荒岛探索 #无人岛 #抓龙虾 #潜水 #马达加斯加 #抓螃蟹 #户外露营
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《马达加斯加》第1集:两天一夜,1男1女荒岛探索,大货重到提不动,这样的荒岛体验你敢来吗?#荒岛探索 #无人岛 #抓龙虾 #潜水 #马达加斯加 #抓螃蟹 #户外露营
《毛里求斯》第7集:大浪中寻找头盔海胆,野溪里捕获巨型野生甲鱼. #毛里求斯 #赶海 #抓甲鱼 #小龙虾 #环球旅行 #海胆
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《毛里求斯》第7集:大浪中寻找头盔海胆,野溪里捕获巨型野生甲鱼. #毛里求斯 #赶海 #抓甲鱼 #小龙虾 #环球旅行 #海胆
《毛里求斯》第6集:探索无人海岛,误入急流差点嗝屁,最终发现大龙虾老巢,收获满满 #赶海 #毛里求斯 #抓龙虾 #潜水 #荒岛探索 #荒岛生存 #海岛大玩家
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《毛里求斯》第6集:探索无人海岛,误入急流差点嗝屁,最终发现大龙虾老巢,收获满满 #赶海 #毛里求斯 #抓龙虾 #潜水 #荒岛探索 #荒岛生存 #海岛大玩家
Mauritius" Episode 5: Catch big crabs , and also catch a 300-pound oceanic whitetip shark on the way
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Mauritius" Episode 5: Catch big crabs , and also catch a 300-pound oceanic whitetip shark on the way
"Mauritius" Episode 4: Tuna fishing is so easy, too many tuna
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"Mauritius" Episode 4: Tuna fishing is so easy, too many tuna
"Mauritius" : Starring Deng Chao and The Breakup Master, the filming location is rushing to the sea.
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"Mauritius" : Starring Deng Chao and The Breakup Master, the filming location is rushing to the sea.
《毛里求斯》第2集:小溪边到处都是大河鳗和大甲鱼,难到当地人都不吃吗  #赶海 #抓螃蟹 #毛里求斯 #潜水 #抓甲鱼 #环球探海旅行 #抓河鳗
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《毛里求斯》第2集:小溪边到处都是大河鳗和大甲鱼,难到当地人都不吃吗 #赶海 #抓螃蟹 #毛里求斯 #潜水 #抓甲鱼 #环球探海旅行 #抓河鳗
"Mauritius": Being chased by electric rays while rushing to sea, encountering a pod of sperm whales
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"Mauritius": Being chased by electric rays while rushing to sea, encountering a pod of sperm whales
2 days and 1 night exploring the uninhabited island and harvesting many giant pearl oysters
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2 days and 1 night exploring the uninhabited island and harvesting many giant pearl oysters
A meter-sized giant was discovered while rushing to the sea. It looked like a shark.
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A meter-sized giant was discovered while rushing to the sea. It looked like a shark.
2 days and 1 night, exploring the islands in the Middle East, too much stuff to fit in
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2 days and 1 night, exploring the islands in the Middle East, too much stuff to fit in
2 days and 1 night, exploring the border waters between Yemen and Oman
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2 days and 1 night, exploring the border waters between Yemen and Oman
《Oman自驾》第27集:与海豚同游,夜潜抓大龙虾,隔天大鲍鱼自由 #抓龙虾 #鲍鱼 #潜水 #阿曼 #赶海 #荒岛生存 #户外露营
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《Oman自驾》第27集:与海豚同游,夜潜抓大龙虾,隔天大鲍鱼自由 #抓龙虾 #鲍鱼 #潜水 #阿曼 #赶海 #荒岛生存 #户外露营
2 days and 1 night to explore new sea areas and challenge the giant moray eel alone
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2 days and 1 night to explore new sea areas and challenge the giant moray eel alone
Challenge to throw a 50-pound giant object from the shore. Whether it is successful or not
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Challenge to throw a 50-pound giant object from the shore. Whether it is successful or not
2 days and 1 night of wilderness survival, encountering a  moray eel but not daring to take action
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2 days and 1 night of wilderness survival, encountering a moray eel but not daring to take action
《Oman自驾》第23集:白天挖沙漠人参,晚上挑战徒手抓鱼 #肉苁蓉 #锁阳  #阿曼 #赶海 #抓龙虾 #潜水 #海鲜美食
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《Oman自驾》第23集:白天挖沙漠人参,晚上挑战徒手抓鱼 #肉苁蓉 #锁阳 #阿曼 #赶海 #抓龙虾 #潜水 #海鲜美食
Spend 1500USD to fish for tuna, and the catch can be used to cover the shipping fee. Do you like?
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Spend 1500USD to fish for tuna, and the catch can be used to cover the shipping fee. Do you like?
Catch blue crabs in a private spot, catch giant sea wolves, and the food session turns around
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Catch blue crabs in a private spot, catch giant sea wolves, and the food session turns around
Exploring the private waters of the Middle East, there are giant lobsters under the rocks
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Exploring the private waters of the Middle East, there are giant lobsters under the rocks
"Oman Self-Driving" : Catch giant scallops in private waters and harvest big orchid crabs at night
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"Oman Self-Driving" : Catch giant scallops in private waters and harvest big orchid crabs at night
Challenge the uninhabited island in the Middle East without bringing any food
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Challenge the uninhabited island in the Middle East without bringing any food
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Oman: Spent 3 days and 2 nights just to explore the most remote uninhabited island in Oman
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Oman: Spent 3 days and 2 nights just to explore the most remote uninhabited island in Oman
《Oman自驾》第15集:寻找相机途中,遇到一大群巨型墨鱼,摄影师看后都惊呆了 #阿曼 #赶海 #抓龙虾 #潜水 #抓八爪鱼 #大墨鱼
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《Oman自驾》第15集:寻找相机途中,遇到一大群巨型墨鱼,摄影师看后都惊呆了 #阿曼 #赶海 #抓龙虾 #潜水 #抓八爪鱼 #大墨鱼
《Oman自驾》第14集:水深15米处抽铁板,鱼大到拉不上船  #海钓 #抽铁板 #阿曼 #刺身 #环球旅行 #海鲜美食 #阿曼海钓
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《Oman自驾》第14集:水深15米处抽铁板,鱼大到拉不上船 #海钓 #抽铁板 #阿曼 #刺身 #环球旅行 #海鲜美食 #阿曼海钓
《Oman自驾》第13集:夜间的红螃蟹又大又多,鱼也大到枪尖都无法打穿 #抓螃蟹 #抓龙虾 #潜水 #阿曼 #赶海 #自由潜渔猎 #海鲜美食
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《Oman自驾》第13集:夜间的红螃蟹又大又多,鱼也大到枪尖都无法打穿 #抓螃蟹 #抓龙虾 #潜水 #阿曼 #赶海 #自由潜渔猎 #海鲜美食
《Oman自驾》第12集:退大潮后,沙滩遍地是大海货,难道中东人都不吃?#抓螃蟹 #大蛏王 #中东地区 #阿曼 #赶海 #海鲜美食 #自驾 #阿曼旅行
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《Oman自驾》第12集:退大潮后,沙滩遍地是大海货,难道中东人都不吃?#抓螃蟹 #大蛏王 #中东地区 #阿曼 #赶海 #海鲜美食 #自驾 #阿曼旅行
《Oman自驾》~第11集:渔猎时遇到特殊状况,连厚美德都不知所措  #赶海 #阿曼 #刺身 #自驾 #海鲜美食 #环球旅行 #潜水 #渔猎
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《Oman自驾》~第11集:渔猎时遇到特殊状况,连厚美德都不知所措 #赶海 #阿曼 #刺身 #自驾 #海鲜美食 #环球旅行 #潜水 #渔猎
Found the big lobster nest in the big waves, and was shocked by the harvest.
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Found the big lobster nest in the big waves, and was shocked by the harvest.
Using an iron plate to catch fish in a water depth of 20 meters
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Using an iron plate to catch fish in a water depth of 20 meters
"Oman " Episode 8: Catching a big octopus with bare hands only to be bitten countless times
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"Oman " Episode 8: Catching a big octopus with bare hands only to be bitten countless times
The tide rushes to the sea, and a lot of rare toothless snails are harvested.
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The tide rushes to the sea, and a lot of rare toothless snails are harvested.
《Oman自驾》第6集:水深200米的海域抽铁板,鱼口狂咬 #刺身 #阿曼 #自驾 #海钓 #抽铁板 #铁板海钓 #大石斑
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《Oman自驾》第6集:水深200米的海域抽铁板,鱼口狂咬 #刺身 #阿曼 #自驾 #海钓 #抽铁板 #铁板海钓 #大石斑
《Oman·自驾》第5集:夜间遍地大海参,还被不明鱼种撞击头部十多次 #赶海 #刺身 #环球旅行 #海鲜美食 #阿曼 #潜水 #海参
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《Oman·自驾》第5集:夜间遍地大海参,还被不明鱼种撞击头部十多次 #赶海 #刺身 #环球旅行 #海鲜美食 #阿曼 #潜水 #海参
Looking for giant lobsters , harvesting nine-spined bass, and the sashimi is delicious
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Looking for giant lobsters , harvesting nine-spined bass, and the sashimi is delicious
《Oman·自驾》第3集:露营偶遇成群的大海龟下蛋和孵化,纪录片都没这么拍   #海龟下蛋  #海龟孵化 #露营生活 #环球旅行 #自驾 #阿曼
OK哥环球探海记 okge ocean exploration
《Oman·自驾》第3集:露营偶遇成群的大海龟下蛋和孵化,纪录片都没这么拍 #海龟下蛋 #海龟孵化 #露营生活 #环球旅行 #自驾 #阿曼
"Oman·Self-driving" Episode 2: Camping in the Middle East, relying on Haidilao for three meals
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"Oman·Self-driving" Episode 2: Camping in the Middle East, relying on Haidilao for three meals
I found the nest of blue crabs. It is said that the wealthy people in the Middle East do not eat
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I found the nest of blue crabs. It is said that the wealthy people in the Middle East do not eat
the fish trap harvests rat spots, and when he makes it into sashimi, he eats parasites
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the fish trap harvests rat spots, and when he makes it into sashimi, he eats parasites
The uninhabited island is flooded with seafood, and rare golden eels are harvested
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The uninhabited island is flooded with seafood, and rare golden eels are harvested
Catch the sea to harvest coconut snails, the photographer personally went to open the Mei Lezhu
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Catch the sea to harvest coconut snails, the photographer personally went to open the Mei Lezhu
Catch cat sharks in the sea at night, and the harvest is made into Chaoshan delicacies
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Catch cat sharks in the sea at night, and the harvest is made into Chaoshan delicacies
The discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea is a foregone conclusion. The whole seafood is free
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The discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea is a foregone conclusion. The whole seafood is free
"Indonesia·Li Wangdao" : Is it worth flying thousands of miles to find the expensive Merlot beads?
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"Indonesia·Li Wangdao" : Is it worth flying thousands of miles to find the expensive Merlot beads?
Fishing in the waters with a water depth of 800 meters for the first time
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Fishing in the waters with a water depth of 800 meters for the first time
This fishing spot is really full of ghost knives, and the taste of sashimi is like glutinous rice
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This fishing spot is really full of ghost knives, and the taste of sashimi is like glutinous rice
Harvest big GT and a few big lionfish today, after making sashimi, it tastes like QQ candy
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Harvest big GT and a few big lionfish today, after making sashimi, it tastes like QQ candy
Bali : Catch the sea at night to harvest sea cucumbers and sea eels, and make eel rice delicious
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Bali : Catch the sea at night to harvest sea cucumbers and sea eels, and make eel rice delicious
"Bali" Episode 4: Challenge to catch a venomous lionfish and eat it after making a sashimi
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"Bali" Episode 4: Challenge to catch a venomous lionfish and eat it after making a sashimi
When the tide goes out and the sea is flooded, the sea urchins are flooded,
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When the tide goes out and the sea is flooded, the sea urchins are flooded,
The local fishing and hunting masters are so good that they took me to the army station to fish
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The local fishing and hunting masters are so good that they took me to the army station to fish
"Bali Island": This homestay is very cost-effective, and this national park must be visited
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"Bali Island": This homestay is very cost-effective, and this national park must be visited
"Saudi Arabia" Episode 9: Entering Bali smoothly, renting a car for only 115 yuan a day
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"Saudi Arabia" Episode 9: Entering Bali smoothly, renting a car for only 115 yuan a day
"Saudi Arabia": Orchid crabs are flooding in Saudi Arabia, don't the locals even eat them?
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"Saudi Arabia": Orchid crabs are flooding in Saudi Arabia, don't the locals even eat them?
There is no routine in renting a car in Arabia, catching orchid crabs at night to explode the bucket
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There is no routine in renting a car in Arabia, catching orchid crabs at night to explode the bucket
Buy fish in this fish market is so weird, I was so angry that I started fishing directly at  beach
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Buy fish in this fish market is so weird, I was so angry that I started fishing directly at beach
Bring fans and friends to the sea, just walk around and you'll be a big deal
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Bring fans and friends to the sea, just walk around and you'll be a big deal
"Saudi Arabia"; Catch the sea and meet the spider snail trap, the harvest is still bursting barrels
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"Saudi Arabia"; Catch the sea and meet the spider snail trap, the harvest is still bursting barrels
《沙特阿拉伯》第3集:听说这里的兰花蟹随便抓就爆桶,于是我带好了桶 #环球旅行 #沙特阿拉伯 #抓螃蟹 #自驾
OK哥环球探海记 okge ocean exploration
《沙特阿拉伯》第3集:听说这里的兰花蟹随便抓就爆桶,于是我带好了桶 #环球旅行 #沙特阿拉伯 #抓螃蟹 #自驾
snails are everywhere after low tide, the Arab guy invited me to experience the local camping life
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snails are everywhere after low tide, the Arab guy invited me to experience the local camping life
The weather here is hot and prices are high, and the first day of self-driving is almost unbearable
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The weather here is hot and prices are high, and the first day of self-driving is almost unbearable
Maldives:The locals actually use this method to catch big lobsters
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Maldives:The locals actually use this method to catch big lobsters
sea chrysanthemum with the size of a football makes a sashimi, which stuns the Bangladeshi brother
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sea chrysanthemum with the size of a football makes a sashimi, which stuns the Bangladeshi brother
The devil fish caught a big green dragon after watching it, and the taste after raw pickling is YYDS
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The devil fish caught a big green dragon after watching it, and the taste after raw pickling is YYDS
《马代·居民岛》第15集:和千万粉的大网红去赶海,没料遇到一只龙虾王 #环球旅行 #maldives #马尔代夫 #刺身 #抓龙虾
OK哥环球探海记 okge ocean exploration
《马代·居民岛》第15集:和千万粉的大网红去赶海,没料遇到一只龙虾王 #环球旅行 #maldives #马尔代夫 #刺身 #抓龙虾
Spend 200 yuan on sea fishing, harvest thousands of fish worth, and make top sashimi
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Spend 200 yuan on sea fishing, harvest thousands of fish worth, and make top sashimi
Catch the sea to harvest all kinds of big snails, but sashimi with tape is the best
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Catch the sea to harvest all kinds of big snails, but sashimi with tape is the best
The facilities and services of the hotel island, the charging standards of the residential island
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The facilities and services of the hotel island, the charging standards of the residential island
Maldives" Episode 11: If you want to wipe out this nest of lobsters, who can suggest a way?
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Maldives" Episode 11: If you want to wipe out this nest of lobsters, who can suggest a way?
《马代·居民岛》第10集:马富士岛的吃住行攻略,消费好比普吉岛 #环球旅行 #maldives #马尔代夫 #旅行攻略 #鲨鱼
OK哥环球探海记 okge ocean exploration
《马代·居民岛》第10集:马富士岛的吃住行攻略,消费好比普吉岛 #环球旅行 #maldives #马尔代夫 #旅行攻略 #鲨鱼
"Madai Resident Island" Episode 9: Today is the 4th day of Survival on a Deserted Island
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"Madai Resident Island" Episode 9: Today is the 4th day of Survival on a Deserted Island
《马代·居民岛》第8集:今天是我荒岛生存的第3天,但是队友全都跑了!#环球旅行 #maldives #马尔代夫 #荒岛求生
OK哥环球探海记 okge ocean exploration
《马代·居民岛》第8集:今天是我荒岛生存的第3天,但是队友全都跑了!#环球旅行 #maldives #马尔代夫 #荒岛求生
"maldives" : It's only the 2th day of survival on a deserted island, why do the girls give up?
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"maldives" : It's only the 2th day of survival on a deserted island, why do the girls give up?
maldives :Take 3 girls to the desert island to survive on the first day, and see who escapes first!
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maldives :Take 3 girls to the desert island to survive on the first day, and see who escapes first!
“maldives"Episode 5: Challenge the spider snail sashimi, the taste is crispy and sweet, so delicious
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“maldives"Episode 5: Challenge the spider snail sashimi, the taste is crispy and sweet, so delicious
"maldives" Episode 4: I'm so naive, I just want to get seafood in the sea with only a kitchen knife?
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"maldives" Episode 4: I'm so naive, I just want to get seafood in the sea with only a kitchen knife?
to harvest highly poisonous stonefish, I didn't expect it to be so delicious when roasted
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to harvest highly poisonous stonefish, I didn't expect it to be so delicious when roasted
"maldives" Episode 2: Follow the fishermen to go fishing, harvest and make delicious sashimi!
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"maldives" Episode 2: Follow the fishermen to go fishing, harvest and make delicious sashimi!
"Maldives" Episode 1: Take a flight for more than 10 hours, just to catch a big lobster!
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"Maldives" Episode 1: Take a flight for more than 10 hours, just to catch a big lobster!
"Indonesia Papua" Is it worth it to visit the Blue River scenic spot in Raja Ampat for 200 yuan?
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"Indonesia Papua" Is it worth it to visit the Blue River scenic spot in Raja Ampat for 200 yuan?
"Indonesia·Papua":This is definitely a treasure to catch the sea, abalone can be seen everywhere!
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"Indonesia·Papua":This is definitely a treasure to catch the sea, abalone can be seen everywhere!
"Indonesia Papua" Episode 10: Caught 3 horse mackerel for sashimi, the taste is better than tuna!
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"Indonesia Papua" Episode 10: Caught 3 horse mackerel for sashimi, the taste is better than tuna!
Catch the sea and harvest 2 hermit crabs , which are actually more delicious than lobsters!
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Catch the sea and harvest 2 hermit crabs , which are actually more delicious than lobsters!
I saw a large group of dolphins early in the morning, and then the drone bombed the plane!
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I saw a large group of dolphins early in the morning, and then the drone bombed the plane!
"Indonesia Papua" Episode 7: It's thrilling to catch the sea at night, because sharks are everywhere
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"Indonesia Papua" Episode 7: It's thrilling to catch the sea at night, because sharks are everywhere