The One Man Japan Couldn't Break
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The One Man Japan Couldn't Break
The Strangest WW2 Killer with an Even Stranger Weakness
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The Strangest WW2 Killer with an Even Stranger Weakness
Tackling Japanese Snipers Head-On with 196,000 Rounds
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Tackling Japanese Snipers Head-On with 196,000 Rounds
When Hitler's Most Disastrous Tactic Turned Into the Perfect Trap
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When Hitler's Most Disastrous Tactic Turned Into the Perfect Trap
1,000 Mortar Rounds vs 35mm Cannons - The Battle of Goose Green
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1,000 Mortar Rounds vs 35mm Cannons - The Battle of Goose Green
The Other Secret Cargo That Won WW2
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The Other Secret Cargo That Won WW2
The Allies’ Wildest Beast That Preyed on Nazi Birds
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The Allies’ Wildest Beast That Preyed on Nazi Birds
The Most Bone-Chilling Jump in War History
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The Most Bone-Chilling Jump in War History
The Hunter Killer That Made Vietnam a Child’s Play
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The Hunter Killer That Made Vietnam a Child’s Play
The Unlikely Army That Took Europe by Storm - The Smoking Snakes
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The Unlikely Army That Took Europe by Storm - The Smoking Snakes
The Man Who Lost His Face for His Country
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The Man Who Lost His Face for His Country
The Man Who Utterly Broke Germany Without Anyone Noticing
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The Man Who Utterly Broke Germany Without Anyone Noticing
The Jungle Beast the Vietcong Never Saw Coming - The Galloping Major
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The Jungle Beast the Vietcong Never Saw Coming - The Galloping Major
Explosive War Events That Will Blow Your Mind
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Explosive War Events That Will Blow Your Mind
The Killer So Deadly No Army Could Handle Him
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The Killer So Deadly No Army Could Handle Him
The Shocking Cost Nazi Allies Never Saw Coming
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The Shocking Cost Nazi Allies Never Saw Coming
The Nastiest Soldiers They Were Afraid to Fight
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The Nastiest Soldiers They Were Afraid to Fight
MADMAN’s 94-Kill Rampage with an Unlikely Weapon
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MADMAN’s 94-Kill Rampage with an Unlikely Weapon
The Super Ace Who Refused to Count Their Kills
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The Super Ace Who Refused to Count Their Kills
The Deadliest Marine Sniper No One Ever Suspected
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The Deadliest Marine Sniper No One Ever Suspected
America's Hand-to-Hand Killing Machine
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America's Hand-to-Hand Killing Machine
The Killer Nobody Wanted but Everyone Needed - The Falcon of Malta
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The Killer Nobody Wanted but Everyone Needed - The Falcon of Malta
The River Bug - Hitler's Lost Super Weapon
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The River Bug - Hitler's Lost Super Weapon
Vietnam War’s Deadliest Battlefield That Only One Man Dared to Face
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Vietnam War’s Deadliest Battlefield That Only One Man Dared to Face
One of Hitler's Strangest Obsessions
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One of Hitler's Strangest Obsessions
The Strangest Tank Battle of WW2
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The Strangest Tank Battle of WW2
The Pilot Killer They Thought Was A Joke
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The Pilot Killer They Thought Was A Joke
The Man Who Spooked Nazis So Badly (in a Very Unexpected Way)
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The Man Who Spooked Nazis So Badly (in a Very Unexpected Way)
5-2 vs 3000 - Too Short to be a Marine
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5-2 vs 3000 - Too Short to be a Marine
The Strangest Soldiers to Take Down a Nazi Command in One Night
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The Strangest Soldiers to Take Down a Nazi Command in One Night
The Desert Terror That Utterly Screwed the Luftwaffe
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The Desert Terror That Utterly Screwed the Luftwaffe
The 202 Kill Streak Even America Had to Respect
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The 202 Kill Streak Even America Had to Respect
The Terrifying Wildcat Killer - The Devil Over Rabaul
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The Terrifying Wildcat Killer - The Devil Over Rabaul
The Horrifying End of a Luftwaffe Super Ace
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The Horrifying End of a Luftwaffe Super Ace
The Jaw-Dropping Event That Drove Hitler to Madness
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The Jaw-Dropping Event That Drove Hitler to Madness
You Won't Believe the WW2 Soldier Even His Own Army Feared!
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You Won't Believe the WW2 Soldier Even His Own Army Feared!
The Man Who Was Tougher Than a Panzer Steel
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The Man Who Was Tougher Than a Panzer Steel
Israel's MOST FEARSOME Secret Unit 8200 Exposed
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Israel's MOST FEARSOME Secret Unit 8200 Exposed
The Flying Sawn-Off Shotgun That Terrified Hitler
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The Flying Sawn-Off Shotgun That Terrified Hitler
The Terrifying Sniper with a Chilling Record
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The Terrifying Sniper with a Chilling Record
The Last Place for a Last Army
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The Last Place for a Last Army
When a Soldier Completely Changed WW2 Without Realizing It
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When a Soldier Completely Changed WW2 Without Realizing It
The Most Terrifying Man of the Vietnam War
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The Most Terrifying Man of the Vietnam War
The Most Classified Mission That Completely Changed the War
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The Most Classified Mission That Completely Changed the War
1 of America's Darkest WW2 Secrets Exposed
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1 of America's Darkest WW2 Secrets Exposed
The Marine with the Weirdest Killing Technique
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The Marine with the Weirdest Killing Technique
The Man Who Survived a Japanese Machine Gun Point Blank
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The Man Who Survived a Japanese Machine Gun Point Blank
The WW2 Target They Never Expected
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The WW2 Target They Never Expected
The #1 MiG Killer
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The #1 MiG Killer
WW2's Deadliest Night Intruder
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WW2's Deadliest Night Intruder
The Real-Life Rambo - The Man Who Fought 1,000 Battles Without a Single Scratch
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The Real-Life Rambo - The Man Who Fought 1,000 Battles Without a Single Scratch
The Deadliest Desert Ambush - 12 Marines vs 600 Iraqi Soldiers
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The Deadliest Desert Ambush - 12 Marines vs 600 Iraqi Soldiers
The Soldier Who Fought in the Wrong War
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The Soldier Who Fought in the Wrong War
During WW2 a Native American Soldier Completed all Four Feats Required to Become a War Chief
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During WW2 a Native American Soldier Completed all Four Feats Required to Become a War Chief
The Unknown Man Who Totally Screwed Germany
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The Unknown Man Who Totally Screwed Germany
The WW2 Killer Nobody Knew Where He Came From
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The WW2 Killer Nobody Knew Where He Came From
The Creepiest Tank of WW2 (with a Mysterious Ending)
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The Creepiest Tank of WW2 (with a Mysterious Ending)
The WW2 Tank Exterminator You’ve Never Heard Of
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The WW2 Tank Exterminator You’ve Never Heard Of
The Man Who Drove Japan Insane - The Terror of Rabaul
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The Man Who Drove Japan Insane - The Terror of Rabaul
The Most Savage Payback Machine of WW2
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The Most Savage Payback Machine of WW2
The US Flying Beast with a Freaking Killing Technique
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The US Flying Beast with a Freaking Killing Technique
The Top-Notch Feat of The Craziest American Ace Who Ever Lived
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The Top-Notch Feat of The Craziest American Ace Who Ever Lived
The WW2 Ghost that Couldn’t be Killed
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The WW2 Ghost that Couldn’t be Killed
The Mad Pilot Who Turned His Aircraft into a Flying Death Machine
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The Mad Pilot Who Turned His Aircraft into a Flying Death Machine
The Ruthless Hellfighters America Feared to Set Loose in War
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The Ruthless Hellfighters America Feared to Set Loose in War
The Event that Saved America's Super Carrier
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The Event that Saved America's Super Carrier
America's High-Explosive Weapon that Turned Russian Tanks into Desert Scrap
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America's High-Explosive Weapon that Turned Russian Tanks into Desert Scrap
The Deadliest Pig of the Vietnam War
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The Deadliest Pig of the Vietnam War
The Dirtiest Most Ruthless Commander of WW2
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The Dirtiest Most Ruthless Commander of WW2
The Other WW2 Super Bomb You've Never Heard Of
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The Other WW2 Super Bomb You've Never Heard Of
The Most Terrifying Annihilator of WW2
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The Most Terrifying Annihilator of WW2
The Craziest Most Bizarre Unit Who Tormented the Nazis
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The Craziest Most Bizarre Unit Who Tormented the Nazis
The Tank that Shot Down a Fighter Jet
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The Tank that Shot Down a Fighter Jet
The Scariest Allied Exterminator with a Unique Killing Technique
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The Scariest Allied Exterminator with a Unique Killing Technique
The Terrifying Ace Who Racked Up an Insane Kill Streak
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The Terrifying Ace Who Racked Up an Insane Kill Streak
The Ugliest Most Useless Tank Ever Made
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The Ugliest Most Useless Tank Ever Made
The Brave US Pilot Who Single -Handedly Prevented a Horrifying Defeat in WW2
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The Brave US Pilot Who Single -Handedly Prevented a Horrifying Defeat in WW2
The Most Underrated US Soldier Who Became a Lethal Killing Machine
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The Most Underrated US Soldier Who Became a Lethal Killing Machine
The Gigantic German Weapon that Turned Allied Tanks into Scrap Metal
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The Gigantic German Weapon that Turned Allied Tanks into Scrap Metal
The Soldier So Ruthless the US Was Afraid to Reward
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The Soldier So Ruthless the US Was Afraid to Reward
The Man Who Became an Unstoppable Weapon While Stoned
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The Man Who Became an Unstoppable Weapon While Stoned
Germany's Most Insane Super Tanks Supposed to Change WW2
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Germany's Most Insane Super Tanks Supposed to Change WW2
The Most Terrifying Tiny Man of the Vietnam War
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The Most Terrifying Tiny Man of the Vietnam War
The Man Who Crushed Nazis with an Unbelievable Weapon
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The Man Who Crushed Nazis with an Unbelievable Weapon
America's Unexpected WW2 Panzer Annihilator
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America's Unexpected WW2 Panzer Annihilator
The Savage Sniper Exterminator with an Insane Killing Weapon
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The Savage Sniper Exterminator with an Insane Killing Weapon
The Scariest Most Infamous Nazi Mastermind
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The Scariest Most Infamous Nazi Mastermind
The Unbeatable German Pilot Even the Allies Couldn't Hate
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The Unbeatable German Pilot Even the Allies Couldn't Hate
The Strangest Most Hardcore Weapon of the Vietnam War
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The Strangest Most Hardcore Weapon of the Vietnam War
The Most Hellish Battle that Turned US Marines into an Unstoppable Force
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The Most Hellish Battle that Turned US Marines into an Unstoppable Force
The No-Escape Weapon that Turned Soviet Jets into Junk
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The No-Escape Weapon that Turned Soviet Jets into Junk
The Pilot with the Strangest Kill Rate in History
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The Pilot with the Strangest Kill Rate in History
The Deadliest MiG Hunter Who Just Couldn't Stop
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The Deadliest MiG Hunter Who Just Couldn't Stop
America's Insane Vietnam War Terminators
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America's Insane Vietnam War Terminators
The Man with 1,000 Kills - The Terrifying Beast of Omaha
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The Man with 1,000 Kills - The Terrifying Beast of Omaha
Hitler's Terrifying Rolling Sniper Catches Churchill Tanks by Surprise
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Hitler's Terrifying Rolling Sniper Catches Churchill Tanks by Surprise
The Nazi Who Did The One Thing You're Never Supposed to Do
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The Nazi Who Did The One Thing You're Never Supposed to Do
The WW2 Killer No One Ever Expected
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The WW2 Killer No One Ever Expected
The WW2 Pilot Sold for a Bag of Rice
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The WW2 Pilot Sold for a Bag of Rice
The Longest Craziest Most Brutal Mission of the Vietnam War
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The Longest Craziest Most Brutal Mission of the Vietnam War