[Vlog] Christmas meal and New Year's Eve vlog of a single-person office lady who lives with a cat 🎍
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Vlog] Christmas meal and New Year's Eve vlog of a single-person office lady who lives with a cat 🎍
[Vlog] Enjoying cooking while tidying up my new home ⛄️ Beef tendon curry and cheese shrimp cutlet 🦐
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Vlog] Enjoying cooking while tidying up my new home ⛄️ Beef tendon curry and cheese shrimp cutlet 🦐
[Vlog] A 5-day vlog about moving to a new house and welcoming a new family member 🏠🐈
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Vlog] A 5-day vlog about moving to a new house and welcoming a new family member 🏠🐈
クリスマスレシピ第三弾🎄捏ね時間5分の魚焼きグリルで作る簡単でおいしいピザレシピ🍕 #shorts #クリスマスレシピ #おうちクリスマス
こなまるキッチン konamaru
クリスマスレシピ第三弾🎄捏ね時間5分の魚焼きグリルで作る簡単でおいしいピザレシピ🍕 #shorts #クリスマスレシピ #おうちクリスマス
クリスマスレシピ第二弾🎄火を使わない華やかな前菜3品🥂✨ #shorts #クリスマスレシピ #火を使わないレシピ
こなまるキッチン konamaru
クリスマスレシピ第二弾🎄火を使わない華やかな前菜3品🥂✨ #shorts #クリスマスレシピ #火を使わないレシピ
[Vlog] A week in the life of an office lady organizing the fridge before moving📦✨
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Vlog] A week in the life of an office lady organizing the fridge before moving📦✨
クリスマスレシピあと1品迷ったらコレ🎄✨バゲットのカレーグラタン #shorts #クリスマスレシピ #クリスマスメニュー #簡単レシピ
こなまるキッチン konamaru
クリスマスレシピあと1品迷ったらコレ🎄✨バゲットのカレーグラタン #shorts #クリスマスレシピ #クリスマスメニュー #簡単レシピ
[Vlog] My daily life, spending time with my family and cooking food in advance 🌱 A little report 🏠✨
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Vlog] My daily life, spending time with my family and cooking food in advance 🌱 A little report 🏠✨
冷凍してもおいしい明太スパサラ🥗 #shorts #冷凍ストック #サラダ弁当
こなまるキッチン konamaru
冷凍してもおいしい明太スパサラ🥗 #shorts #冷凍ストック #サラダ弁当
Unpacking new kitchen and interior items📦✨Protein steamed bread and Chinese cabbage gratin🫕
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Unpacking new kitchen and interior items📦✨Protein steamed bread and Chinese cabbage gratin🫕
朝1分でも長く寝たい私のお弁当を続けるコツ4選👩🏻‍🍳ˊ˗ #一人暮らし #お弁当 #冷凍ストック
こなまるキッチン konamaru
朝1分でも長く寝たい私のお弁当を続けるコツ4選👩🏻‍🍳ˊ˗ #一人暮らし #お弁当 #冷凍ストック
[Vlog] A record of a single office worker's cooking and eating out 🥘
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Vlog] A record of a single office worker's cooking and eating out 🥘
9割が知らない?!コロッケの作り方🥔 #shorts #炊飯器コロッケ #揚げないコロッケ
こなまるキッチン konamaru
9割が知らない?!コロッケの作り方🥔 #shorts #炊飯器コロッケ #揚げないコロッケ
トマト缶余ったらこれ作って🍜 #shorts #自炊 #担々麺 #担々麺レシピ
こなまるキッチン konamaru
トマト缶余ったらこれ作って🍜 #shorts #自炊 #担々麺 #担々麺レシピ
[Vlog] A week at the end of summer for a single 30-something office lady 🌻
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Vlog] A week at the end of summer for a single 30-something office lady 🌻
一人暮らし会社員のお弁当🍙 #shorts #お弁当 #一人暮らし #自炊
こなまるキッチン konamaru
一人暮らし会社員のお弁当🍙 #shorts #お弁当 #一人暮らし #自炊
今年の秋はコレ作って🍂平日楽できる冷凍ストック #shorts #秋野菜レシピ #炊飯器レシピ
こなまるキッチン konamaru
今年の秋はコレ作って🍂平日楽できる冷凍ストック #shorts #秋野菜レシピ #炊飯器レシピ
冷凍してもふわふわがキープできる卵焼き #shorts #冷凍ストック
こなまるキッチン konamaru
冷凍してもふわふわがキープできる卵焼き #shorts #冷凍ストック
Living alone in a rented one-room apartment 🏠A small kitchen filled with favorite items
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Living alone in a rented one-room apartment 🏠A small kitchen filled with favorite items
平日仕事終わりのヘルシー献立🌼 #自炊 #一人暮らしごはん
こなまるキッチン konamaru
平日仕事終わりのヘルシー献立🌼 #自炊 #一人暮らしごはん
食べるのが好きな会社員OLの1日👩🏻‍💻#一人暮らし #会社員ルーティーン #shorts
こなまるキッチン konamaru
食べるのが好きな会社員OLの1日👩🏻‍💻#一人暮らし #会社員ルーティーン #shorts
こなまるキッチン konamaru
【一人暮らし会社員】夏の平日仕事おわりルーティン🌻 #shorts #ひとり暮らし #自炊
こなまるキッチン konamaru
【一人暮らし会社員】夏の平日仕事おわりルーティン🌻 #shorts #ひとり暮らし #自炊
[Lunchbox] 8 frozen lunchbox items that you can pack in just 3 minutes before going to bed 🐟
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Lunchbox] 8 frozen lunchbox items that you can pack in just 3 minutes before going to bed 🐟
一人暮らしの簡単夜ごはん🍆ナスと鶏もも肉の梅さっぱり焼き✨ #shorts #一人暮らしol
こなまるキッチン konamaru
一人暮らしの簡単夜ごはん🍆ナスと鶏もも肉の梅さっぱり焼き✨ #shorts #一人暮らしol
一人暮らし会社員の週末🍞🌿金曜日の仕事終わりから📹✨ #shorts #vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
一人暮らし会社員の週末🍞🌿金曜日の仕事終わりから📹✨ #shorts #vlog
[Lunchbox] My favorite bento for 3 days vlog / New oven range
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Lunchbox] My favorite bento for 3 days vlog / New oven range
1人暮らしOLの10分で作れる簡単夜ごはん🍳 #shorts #自炊
こなまるキッチン konamaru
1人暮らしOLの10分で作れる簡単夜ごはん🍳 #shorts #自炊
1人暮らしOLのパパッと夜ご飯🍜#shorts #自炊 #1人暮らし
こなまるキッチン konamaru
1人暮らしOLのパパッと夜ご飯🍜#shorts #自炊 #1人暮らし
週末の買い出しと夜ご飯 #ポッサム #一人暮らしol #簡単レシピ #shorts
こなまるキッチン konamaru
週末の買い出しと夜ご飯 #ポッサム #一人暮らしol #簡単レシピ #shorts
【韓国vlog】大型スーパーロッテマートの購入品🍢🍿🍩#shorts #韓国スーパー
こなまるキッチン konamaru
【韓国vlog】大型スーパーロッテマートの購入品🍢🍿🍩#shorts #韓国スーパー
韓国旅行の1日vlog🧸美容クリニック/ホンデ/カンジャンケジャン/juuneedu #shorts #韓国vlog #韓国旅行
こなまるキッチン konamaru
韓国旅行の1日vlog🧸美容クリニック/ホンデ/カンジャンケジャン/juuneedu #shorts #韓国vlog #韓国旅行
[What I eat in a week] Recent daily routine of moderate dieting
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[What I eat in a week] Recent daily routine of moderate dieting
ダイエット中でも食べられるアイス🍨 #ダイエット #ヨーグルトアイス #ヘルシースイーツ
こなまるキッチン konamaru
ダイエット中でも食べられるアイス🍨 #ダイエット #ヨーグルトアイス #ヘルシースイーツ
フライパンで作る簡単551風豚まん🐷#shorts #豚まん #cooking #肉まんレシピ #手作り肉まん
こなまるキッチン konamaru
フライパンで作る簡単551風豚まん🐷#shorts #豚まん #cooking #肉まんレシピ #手作り肉まん
料理が好きな社会人OLの休日🌼#shorts #バーミキュラ #cooking #vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
料理が好きな社会人OLの休日🌼#shorts #バーミキュラ #cooking #vlog
[Costco] Items purchased by an office lady living alone at Costco /Routine after returning home
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Costco] Items purchased by an office lady living alone at Costco /Routine after returning home
おかずにもおつまみにもなる明太子もちチーズの三角春巻き #shorts #cooking #春巻き #お弁当おかず
こなまるキッチン konamaru
おかずにもおつまみにもなる明太子もちチーズの三角春巻き #shorts #cooking #春巻き #お弁当おかず
お花見弁当🌸簡単なピクニックお弁当🧺 #shorts #cooking #お花見 #お弁当
こなまるキッチン konamaru
お花見弁当🌸簡単なピクニックお弁当🧺 #shorts #cooking #お花見 #お弁当
朝が苦手な社会人OLのお弁当 #shorts #cooking #お弁当作り #冷凍ストック
こなまるキッチン konamaru
朝が苦手な社会人OLのお弁当 #shorts #cooking #お弁当作り #冷凍ストック
レンチンして詰めるだけ✨お弁当用の冷凍ストック作り #shorts #お弁当作り #冷凍ストック #cooking
こなまるキッチン konamaru
レンチンして詰めるだけ✨お弁当用の冷凍ストック作り #shorts #お弁当作り #冷凍ストック #cooking
[Lunch box] Just pack it for 3 minutes before going to bed ✨ Making frozen stock for lunch box
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Lunch box] Just pack it for 3 minutes before going to bed ✨ Making frozen stock for lunch box
[What I eat in a week] Daily life of an office worker living alone in Japan /Making bento/izakaya
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[What I eat in a week] Daily life of an office worker living alone in Japan /Making bento/izakaya
【炊飯器】モチモチで美味しい簡単山菜おこわ #shorts #切り餅 #おこわ #cooking
こなまるキッチン konamaru
【炊飯器】モチモチで美味しい簡単山菜おこわ #shorts #切り餅 #おこわ #cooking
自炊がラクになる丸めない味噌玉 #cooking #shorts #味噌玉
こなまるキッチン konamaru
自炊がラクになる丸めない味噌玉 #cooking #shorts #味噌玉
[Night Routine] How an office worker living alone spends weekday nights after work 🌛
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Night Routine] How an office worker living alone spends weekday nights after work 🌛
【混ぜて冷やすだけ】材料3つ簡単すぎるバレンタインレシピ💘 #バレンタインレシピ #cooking #valentine
こなまるキッチン konamaru
【混ぜて冷やすだけ】材料3つ簡単すぎるバレンタインレシピ💘 #バレンタインレシピ #cooking #valentine
疲れた日でも作れる社会人OLの絶品炊飯器レシピ👩🏻‍🍳✨平日の簡単夜ご飯 #shorts #炊飯器レシピ #cooking
こなまるキッチン konamaru
疲れた日でも作れる社会人OLの絶品炊飯器レシピ👩🏻‍🍳✨平日の簡単夜ご飯 #shorts #炊飯器レシピ #cooking
[Vlog] One week's vlog of an office worker who redecorates and cooks
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Vlog] One week's vlog of an office worker who redecorates and cooks
[Lunch box] Frozen lunch box that you just heat up in the microwave in the morning.
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Lunch box] Frozen lunch box that you just heat up in the microwave in the morning.
Pre-made lunch box to make after work on weekdays and 3-day lunch box 🍗✨What I eat for lunch
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Pre-made lunch box to make after work on weekdays and 3-day lunch box 🍗✨What I eat for lunch
Everyday life of an office lady starting to prepare for Christmas 🎄Introducing products purchased
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Everyday life of an office lady starting to prepare for Christmas 🎄Introducing products purchased
[Vlog] Korea 3 nights and 4 days 🇰🇷 Stall / Beauty 💆 Shopping 🛍✨ NIKE Seoul / Dakkanmari 🐓
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Vlog] Korea 3 nights and 4 days 🇰🇷 Stall / Beauty 💆 Shopping 🛍✨ NIKE Seoul / Dakkanmari 🐓
Office lady living a healthy life for a trip to Korea 👩‍💻 Packing for 4 days and 3 nights 👜
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Office lady living a healthy life for a trip to Korea 👩‍💻 Packing for 4 days and 3 nights 👜
Easy makeover of a rental kitchen ✨ Introducing the cooking and recent purchases of an office lady🍳
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Easy makeover of a rental kitchen ✨ Introducing the cooking and recent purchases of an office lady🍳
[Living expenses for living alone] Take-home pay is in the 200,000 yen range 💸
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Living expenses for living alone] Take-home pay is in the 200,000 yen range 💸
[Vlog] A week in the life of a working office lady who loves cooking 👩🏻‍🍳✨
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Vlog] A week in the life of a working office lady who loves cooking 👩🏻‍🍳✨
[Frozen pre-made] Summer bento for 5 days / Cooking for an office worker living alone in Japan
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Frozen pre-made] Summer bento for 5 days / Cooking for an office worker living alone in Japan
Daily routine of making meal prep and frozen stocks on weekends to make it easier on weekday nights.
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Daily routine of making meal prep and frozen stocks on weekends to make it easier on weekday nights.
[vlog] One week of an office worker living alone👩‍💻 Daily life of finding fun and working every day🍦
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[vlog] One week of an office worker living alone👩‍💻 Daily life of finding fun and working every day🍦
[Living alone] Everyday life by assembling a range rack and organizing kitchen storage🪴
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Living alone] Everyday life by assembling a range rack and organizing kitchen storage🪴
[Living alone] Laundry rack storage and daily meal vlog🍽️Summer vegetable recipe🍅What I ate in a day
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Living alone] Laundry rack storage and daily meal vlog🍽️Summer vegetable recipe🍅What I ate in a day
A holiday to go to IKEA and prepare a house for living alone🪴Interior and kitchen goods✂︎✨
こなまるキッチン konamaru
A holiday to go to IKEA and prepare a house for living alone🪴Interior and kitchen goods✂︎✨
[Living alone] Daily life of preparing and cooking in a new refrigerator🥕✨
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Living alone] Daily life of preparing and cooking in a new refrigerator🥕✨
[Moving] Cleaning before moving in and moving day 🚚✨ Preparations to make living alone comfortable ✨
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Moving] Cleaning before moving in and moving day 🚚✨ Preparations to make living alone comfortable ✨
[vlog] Preparing to start living alone🏡Looking for home appliances, property, and job hunting👩‍💻✨
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[vlog] Preparing to start living alone🏡Looking for home appliances, property, and job hunting👩‍💻✨
[vlog] A holiday to make a cute bento and go on a picnic with friends🌱Japanese bento/picnic holidays
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[vlog] A holiday to make a cute bento and go on a picnic with friends🌱Japanese bento/picnic holidays
The daily routine of making 6 mealpreps using spring ingredients in Japan🍡
こなまるキッチン konamaru
The daily routine of making 6 mealpreps using spring ingredients in Japan🍡
Vlog of the day I went to Costco / Sorting and cooking method
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Vlog of the day I went to Costco / Sorting and cooking method
[vlog] A day off to make a bento and have a picnic with friends to see the cherry blossoms👯‍♀️🌸
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[vlog] A day off to make a bento and have a picnic with friends to see the cherry blossoms👯‍♀️🌸
[Bento] Just pack in the morning 🍙Holidays to make frozen stock and lunches for 5 days/vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Bento] Just pack in the morning 🍙Holidays to make frozen stock and lunches for 5 days/vlog
Japan Hakata travel vlog ⛩ 3 days and 2 nights✨A trip to eat delicious food in Fukuoka🌸
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Japan Hakata travel vlog ⛩ 3 days and 2 nights✨A trip to eat delicious food in Fukuoka🌸
A week vlog of a Japanese self-cooking life 🌷Cooking Korean food / Tulip sandwich
こなまるキッチン konamaru
A week vlog of a Japanese self-cooking life 🌷Cooking Korean food / Tulip sandwich
[Bento] Just pack in the morning 🍙Holidays to make frozen stock and lunches for 5 days/vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Bento] Just pack in the morning 🍙Holidays to make frozen stock and lunches for 5 days/vlog
[vlog] Ordinary but happy 5 days vlog🕊💕Daily life in Japan / Take a qualifying exam ✏️
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[vlog] Ordinary but happy 5 days vlog🕊💕Daily life in Japan / Take a qualifying exam ✏️
Osaka travel vlog in JAPAN🐙Mother and daughter trip 👭Two days of eating and drinking well🍻
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Osaka travel vlog in JAPAN🐙Mother and daughter trip 👭Two days of eating and drinking well🍻
[Frozen sandwich bento] Just take it out in the morning and pack it 🥪 Lunch for a week / Japan vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Frozen sandwich bento] Just take it out in the morning and pack it 🥪 Lunch for a week / Japan vlog
[vlog] A holiday to shop at IKEA and remodel the kitchen 🇸🇪💫Japan vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[vlog] A holiday to shop at IKEA and remodel the kitchen 🇸🇪💫Japan vlog
Clean with me] Organizing and cleaning the refrigerator storage✨Holiday Japan vlog #housekeeping
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Clean with me] Organizing and cleaning the refrigerator storage✨Holiday Japan vlog #housekeeping
Vlog🎄Everyday life to enjoy cooking after taking exams/ Review of cosmetic storage/ Recent purchases
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Vlog🎄Everyday life to enjoy cooking after taking exams/ Review of cosmetic storage/ Recent purchases
Everyday cooking and studying hard 📚 Travel to Yokohama 🎄 Study for qualifications / Study vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Everyday cooking and studying hard 📚 Travel to Yokohama 🎄 Study for qualifications / Study vlog
Daily life of cooking in Japan / Days of studying for qualification ✏️ Lunch box for my father 🍳
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Daily life of cooking in Japan / Days of studying for qualification ✏️ Lunch box for my father 🍳
[Report] About recent daily life and future video posting
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Report] About recent daily life and future video posting
Daily life of making mealprep while making dinner 🍅 Easy and delicious Japanese cuisine
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Daily life of making mealprep while making dinner 🍅 Easy and delicious Japanese cuisine
【what i eat in a day】 Detailed cleaning of the kitchen/Meals for 3 days🍣clean with me/vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
【what i eat in a day】 Detailed cleaning of the kitchen/Meals for 3 days🍣clean with me/vlog
A simple bento box for my husband for 5 days / Japanese housewife / Cooking vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
A simple bento box for my husband for 5 days / Japanese housewife / Cooking vlog
【Weekend vlog】 Enjoying cooking and eating out / making natto / Japanese breakfast
こなまるキッチン konamaru
【Weekend vlog】 Enjoying cooking and eating out / making natto / Japanese breakfast
How to make frozen food and meal prep by a Japanese housewife
こなまるキッチン konamaru
How to make frozen food and meal prep by a Japanese housewife
Record of cooking and living 5 days 🍔 Introduction of clothes / routine / hobbies / daily vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Record of cooking and living 5 days 🍔 Introduction of clothes / routine / hobbies / daily vlog
Delicious Japanese lunch 5 days / Lunch made for my husband/A week of my husband lunch boxes
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Delicious Japanese lunch 5 days / Lunch made for my husband/A week of my husband lunch boxes
[Vlog] A week for Japanese housewives who like cooking to enjoy alone / Remodeling the room
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Vlog] A week for Japanese housewives who like cooking to enjoy alone / Remodeling the room
Daily life of Japanese housewife making lunch vlog 🌱 A week of my husband lunch boxes
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Daily life of Japanese housewife making lunch vlog 🌱 A week of my husband lunch boxes
One week meal to spend alone 🥙 Everyday to make and eat what you like 🌱 Japanese home cooking
こなまるキッチン konamaru
One week meal to spend alone 🥙 Everyday to make and eat what you like 🌱 Japanese home cooking
Japanese kitchen tour / Pantry and kitchen storage method / Convenient kitchen goods
こなまるキッチン konamaru
Japanese kitchen tour / Pantry and kitchen storage method / Convenient kitchen goods
4-day meal enjoyed by automatic cooking / what i eat for dinner / Japanese home cooking
こなまるキッチン konamaru
4-day meal enjoyed by automatic cooking / what i eat for dinner / Japanese home cooking
[Clean with me] Kitchen cleaning routine 🧹✨method using natural ingredients / Japanese lunch / vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Clean with me] Kitchen cleaning routine 🧹✨method using natural ingredients / Japanese lunch / vlog
SUB[vlog]Coffee shop morning and purchase items☕️Spring Japanese recipe 🌸Japanese home cooking vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
SUB[vlog]Coffee shop morning and purchase items☕️Spring Japanese recipe 🌸Japanese home cooking vlog
[Vlog] Make a picnic lunch and cute sweets and go out 🌷
こなまるキッチン konamaru
[Vlog] Make a picnic lunch and cute sweets and go out 🌷
1 week meal / Korean food / Recent base makeup 💄 What I eat in a week Japanese meal
こなまるキッチン konamaru
1 week meal / Korean food / Recent base makeup 💄 What I eat in a week Japanese meal
How to store ingredients 🥕 Japanese living abroad /How to keep food fresh 🥬 vlog
こなまるキッチン konamaru
How to store ingredients 🥕 Japanese living abroad /How to keep food fresh 🥬 vlog